Love at first sight?

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A/N: I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter because it will really support for doing more thanks
Canation (by the that's what I'm calling you guys )

Simon's P.O.V

I was going to tell my brothers about the new girl but I accidentally bumped into someone my vision was blurry because my glasses were off. Tried to look for them but it was no use,Sigh, but to my surprise the person I bumped into picked up my glasses and put them back where it belongs.I was again taken aback because the I,bumped into,was a....

OMG it's the new girl! I was so embarrassed because it's just her first day here someone already bumped into her ! And by being embarrassed I literally froze for 5 minutes. When I gained my consciousness back I saw a note and on the note there was a.......PHONE NUMBER!!!! And the note read " Sorry for bumping into you and maybe we should meet up sometime here's my number xxxx xxx xxxx, love Y/N.

She wants to meet up? To call her? Or even text her? These are the questions that ran through my head. But I need to set these questions aside because I need to focus because class is gonna start soon. Wait class is gonna start soon WHAT AM I DOING HERE I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR,CLASS?!?!??!??With that I sprinted to the classroom as fast as I can.

Y/N's P.O. V

I was heading to class when suddenly "oof" I heard the voice sounded masculine and a little bit high pitch. I was going to to apologize but I saw he need some help becasuse I realized that this person or should I say chipmunk had glasses and I accidentally knocked them off his face.I picked up his glasses and put them back where it belongs. I didn't really know why he froze for 5 freakin minutes. Class is about to start so I really need to get going, I just grabbed a note I said I'm sorry for what happened and all that stuff. I sticked it on his back pack and left him to gain consciousness.

Regular P.O.V

Once everyone was in there respective classroom only Simon was late for 5 minutes the teacher was a little shocked because Simon Seville their #1,straight A+ student, was late for class but to Simon's surprise a girl stud up from her chair and said she was the one who was responsible for his tardiness . Simon knew who she was, she was Y/N.The new beautiful student. Yes he had a crush on Jeanette for the longest time, But he kinda thinks that their friendship is going nowhere so he decided to set a practical goal in his life"Get to know Y/N better"

A/N: thank again Canation for reading this book once again this is @XxCanCJxX signing out bye!!

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