Chapter 18: Sister VS Sister

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At 11:40 I was called to the conference room . I was shaking but I know Kerim  will be there and I feel better. Paul and I walked through the doors of the conference room and at one side the table was Kerim with Aarif to his left then Eva after Eva is Gamin then a man in a dark blue suit with a other man in a black suit.
On the other side was Tiffany and an other man in a dark blue suit. There was security standing around the room. There was two seats empty one next to Kerim and the other next to the empty one. I took the one next to Kerim with Paul next to me.

"The meeting has officially started." Kerim stated. "The man next to Gamin is Logan the royal lawyer and next to him is Nicolas the royal public relation director. Next to Tiffany is her lawyer Malian."

"Nice to meet you gentlemen." I said after the introductions.
Tiffany was staring at me with a look of satisfaction.
So I gave her a smile to show her I was happy. Which in turn earned me a confused look that turned into a glare. "Miss. Munch, you were told to leave the palace yesterday after the meeting. You neglected to do so and went into the ball room and made a big scene and also conducted an unofficial interview. Please explain your reasoning." said Logan.

Her lawyer looked shocked as if he was not aware. He composed himself and turned to Tiffany whispering in her ear. Tiffany nodded.

"I thought that our country deserved to know about their new Queen and it was only right I told them before they found out and ask more questions." she said.

"To make this clear there will be no changing of Queen. You had no right to conduct an interview talking about changing the Queen." Kerim said calmly but you could feel the anger underneath his words.

Tiffany's lawyer sat up straight as if he was going to make some earth shattering news. "You married Alissa- "

"Address her formal when speaking, she is your Queen."
Surprisingly it was Gamin that said those words filled with anger, he seemed to beat the others.

Tiffany's lawyer's face got pale. "Sorry. King Kerim married Queen Alissa because of her mother's will." Kerim took my hand that was shaking under the table in his hand and it calmed me. "The will stated the he should marry her elder daughter. Ali- sorry Queen Alissa is her younger daughter. This means that she is the wrong person and the will was nit carried out as planned." when he was finished he looked as if he had won.

Now it was Nicolas time to talk. "The public has no say in this matter and the will was Mrs. Munch asking the king to do her a favor. It did not have to be done. The king was no responsibility for the misunderstood situation." he was heated.

"The King married Ali- sorry the Queen because of the will. The will was not correctly carried out so it is void. It is the Kings responsibility to carry out a research before flying across the world for a girl that was not properly brought up to be the Queen." Malian said, his voice getting louder and his words so sharp it had actually cut me deep.
The others got into a little argument after that well it was more like debate to be honest the only persons quite was Paul, Tiffany, Eva Kerim and I. The air was tense you could have taken a chainsaw and disassemble it.

Finally after 1 hour the 'debate' I could not take it anymore and stood with an air of authority around me. The moment I stood everyone stopped talking.

"We are all grown adults here. We should be able to talk without it leading to screaming at each other. I turned to the group of men on my side. "Listen please?" I said to them and the nodded. I turned to Malian and said. "Explain why this is now being brought up and the terms you want." Gamin seemed as if he wanted to say something and I gave him a look that shut him up right away.

"Um. Tiffany felt cheated and the terms are um she wants to marry the King." he looked unsure of himself.

"To make this clear as my husband had stated there will be no new Queen so your terms as null." I said.

That got Tiffany anger. "He married you because of MY mother's will and that position belongs to ME!" she shouted emphasizing on my and me.

"I am sorry but it was an question that was stated in the will and my husbands answer as you can see is no."
I said calmly.

Now that really got to her she made a move to grab me from over the table bit the security stopped her. I raised an eyebrow at her.

Kerim stood up and fixed his tie. "To clear something up. I was aware of the existence of Miss. Munch and her father long before Mrs. Munch died." Kerim said that got everyone well everyone except me shocked. "I choose to go to America for Queen Alissa because I thought she was the better choice after looking into both for their past and I had men follow both woman and what I found out about Miss. Munch was unacceptable for a Queen." that made her hang her head in shame.

"I choice my wife and even if I didn't know about Miss. Munch, my wife will still be my choice. Is there anything else to be addressed?" Kerim asked and no one said a word. "Okay so meeting adjourned." he said and with that he took my hand in his and we left the room filled with shocked faces.

He took me to our room and in there she showed me that his word in the conference room were more then just words. After around three rounds of love making he looked me in the eyes and said. "I love you." and I started to cry not because of the words out of his mouth but because of the words shown in his eyes

Okay there I updated yes. How was the chapter? I plan on updating next week. This is not the end but it is nearby I plan on stopping at 20 so thank you for reading and please vote and comment. 😘😍

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