Chapter 2

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I couldn't get niall horan out of my mind. I didn't know who he was or what he looked like and yet I was fascinated by him. I kept my eye out for him anytime someone mentioned his name. Honestly I was jealous that so many girls knew who he was. I got through the next few classes with ease barley even talking to Perrie because I was deep in thought over Niall. "So where do you live?" Perrie asked me again taking me from my thoughts. "Ugh. Umm a couple of blocks that way" i said pointing down the road. "oh I live this way. I guess I'll see you tomorrow" she replied. I began walking home, I put on my earphones just too make sure no one would bother me. I couldn't help but feel someone watching me. I'd turn around casually not noticing anyone. I shrugged the feeling off and got to my house taking the key out of my backpack and opening the house. "Went out. I'll be back later xx" I swear my mother had more of a social life then I did. It's sad actually. I rolled my eyes and threw the note on the counter. I looked in the fridge but nothing to eat. I sighed heavily and stomped upstairs and into my room. I got on my computer and looked through my Facebook. All the people that I left behind in America seemed to be getting along just fine. Just then a friend request came up, it was perrie. I chuckled as I accepted and she messaged me right away. "You need to get a phone lol" is what she typed. I sighed and rolled my eyes. My mom wouldn't get me a phone. Not in America, and not now. Just then the doorbell rang. I pranced down the stairs and opened the door "it took you long enough mom" I chuckled looking up to see a young man, 'round my age. Covered in tattoos. I stepped back a bit trying not to show fear. "I'm not gonna hurt you" he laughed. "I just came to give you this" he said handing me a box. I took the box from his hands and he smiled politely. He began to walk out. "Wait who are you?" I asked making him halt and turn to me. "Liam" he smiled and walked away closing the door behind him. I locked it and walked upstairs setting the box down on the bed. I looked at it curiously. I decided to take shower first. After my shower I sat on my bed and started at the box. I took it in my hands a shook it a bit. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. I decided to open it. It was two different outfits. A sun dress and a tank top with skinny jeans. Under neath the clothing was a piece of paper and a cell phone. I put the cell phone aside to read the note.

"Hi Lacey. You don't know me, but I know you. Haha sounds creepy doesn't it? Well I've been watching you. Since you got here. You're prettier than most girls here, and I want you to be mine. Consider yourself my girlfriend now. I'll pick the right time to properly introduce myself to you. Don't do anything stupid. Remember I know where you live. Oh and I got you a phone. My numbers in it. You can only put 10 numbers on it. So choose wisely. See ya soon xxNiallxx"

I cringed at the thought of being stalked, but it came with a sort of satisfying feeling knowing of all the girls in Mullingar he'd choose me. Crazy right? I must have read way to many romance novels. I looked through the phone. One new message. "Hope you like your gifts. Now be a good girl and get some rest xxNixx" I smiled at the text. I walked out my bed room door an into my mothers. No sign of her. I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. Still no sign of her. I walked back up the stairs and laid on my bed falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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