Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours

Start from the beginning

"Is there another reason that you want me to come?" I inquired, quirking an eyebrow. Lydia always has a reason for doing something. As much as it pains me to say this, she schemes, a lot. And most of the time those schemes end up being something not so great. 

Lydia chuckled, "I can't want to hang out with my own cousin?"

"Not when you have that look on your face." I retorted, eyeing her suspiciously. Lydia has this look, and that particular look tells me that those little gears in her head are grinding against one another, forming a plan of mass destruction. 

She smiled in amusement and placed her hands on my shoulders, "I promise I'm not scheming about you and tonight. This is just a simple invitation from a girl who misses her cousin who has being distant the past few days." 

I sighed in defeat, "Alright. Yeah, I guess I'll go."

"Yay!" Lydia squealed in excitement, hugging me tightly. I rolled my eyes and hugged her back, finally-- my cousin was acting like her normal self again.

I am never agreeing to fifth-wheel with Lydia, Allison, Jackson, and Scott ever again. The evening was already off to a bad enough start when Lydia had informed me that I would be catching a ride with her and Jackson in his tiny ass Porsche. The backseat had barely enough room for me, and that's saying something because I'm about the size of your average eighth grader. And then, stupid Scott decided to be late when picking Allison up-- so Lydia and Jackson volunteered to do it. I have practically been sitting on Allison's lap for the past ten minutes. 

"Scott just texted me, he said to meet him at the school." Allison stated as she glanced at her phone screen. 

Jackson groaned, "Why the hell is he at the school?"

That was a good question. I'm pretty sure that it's illegal to be on the school grounds after hours, not only that-- why would you want to be at school when you aren't required? I hate this place, I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend any extra time there. 

"I don't know, can you just drop me off there? I'm sorry about all of this." Allison rushed out, she was obviously uncomfortable-- and I don't think it's just because of our seating arrangement. 

Lydia sighed, "Yes we can drop you off."

I rolled my eyes and adjusted my position on the small section of seat that I had to myself, my head was leaning against the interior at an awkward angle. The next time that Lydia ask's me to partake in their group date, I will be for sure turning down that invitation. 

Jackson pulled up towards the entrance of the school and upon the sight of that familiar powder blue jeep my eyes widened-- oh what the hell is Stiles doing here? My entire body froze when I realized that I was more than likely going to wind up having an interaction with Stiles in front of Lydia.

Lately, I have been avoiding the topic of mine and Stiles' newly found friendship with Lydia. It's not that I'm embarrassed to tell her that I am his friend, I have no problem telling her all about our friendship. It's the fact that I don't trust myself when talking about Stiles in general, I may or may not suffer from word vomit and end up saying something that reveals my true feelings for him, and Lydia is certainly not someone that I want to disclose that information with. 

Jackson opened his door and I slid out with Allison following behind me, the chilly night air smacked me dead in the face and I shivered involuntarily. I have no idea why I am always so cold, maybe I should get that checked out. 

Allison glanced at the main doors to the school, which were being propped open by a pair of bolt cutters, yeah that totally looks normal and not sketchy in the slightest. "I'm going to go and try to find him. He's in there somewhere." She stated. 

I watched in confusion as Jackson pulled out a flashlight form his beloved Porsche and handed it to her, "Here take this. And be careful." He was speaking in a low tone, not allowing my cousin, his girlfriend, to hear him. I rose an eyebrow in question, is Jackson flirting with Allison?

"Careful Jackson, you actually sound concerned about someone other than yourself." I remarked, not liking the situation one bit. I shot Jackson an annoyed look and he returned it, clearly pissed off that I had been here to ruin his chance with making a pass at Allison.

"Ken... will you come with me?" Allison asked, giving me a look that told me that I needed to say yes. Although the use of that nickname was enough to tell me that something was up. She very rarely called me Ken, actually-- Lydia is usually the only person to call me Ken.

I nodded, "Sure."

Allison offered Jackson a smile as she grabbed my wrist with her free hand and led me into the dark and empty school. I didn't like the feeling that I was getting in the pit of my stomach, we shouldn't be here..


So... this chapter was kind of short, sorry! The next two chapters are the good ole Nightschool chapters, and that episode is always fun. I have some cute Stennedy stuff planned, so be excited for that! And, I have finally finished mapping out this story, so I have all loose ends tied up and everything. I am excited to get it all posted for you all to read. I am really proud of this story so far, and I am having a blast writing it! 

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