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hey guys!
it's gage (:
ive been realizing something recently. a lot of people don't know how to communicate things properly. it's a normal thing, but miscommunication could lead to hurt feelings on both parts. so, here's a few steps on proper communication so no one gets hurt (:
1. take a bit to calm down. wether it's a minute, an hour, or a few days, taking time to reflect on what happened and what you want to say definitely helps.
2. approach the person calmly. storming up to someone angrily won't help. it will make the other person immediately defensive. approach calmly and privately.
3. be willing to listen. you can express your side of the story, but listen to the other side as well. there could be parts you don't know, or parts someone got wrong. once you figure out the whole story, you can come up with a solution!
4. be the first to reach out. it may be difficult, but if you do, the other person will appreciate it.
of course, these steps will take a bit of practice, and you may slip up sometimes, but that's perfectly okay (:
knowing these steps can help prevent hurt feelings and can also help not keep things bottled up inside.

stay alive guys, it really is worth it (:
- snowflakegage

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