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I used to daydream that my life was a fairytale; that some dashing knight in shining armor would save me from my dreary existence. I should've known to be careful what I wished for; not all fairytales have happy endings.


It was a Friday afternoon, I had just been sitting at the office when some of my co-workers invited me to go out with them. I jumped at the chance. Not only would it give me the opportunity to develop friendships with them, which let's face it, I could really use some friends, it gave me a chance to knock some things off of my new bucket list.

They had chosen to go to a club that happened to be housed in an old reclaimed church. I'd been dying to get inside that church to photograph it ever since I first drove past. An old gothic reproduction, which was the closest you could get to the real thing here in the states, it stood hugely imposing, all slate grey stone, and giant window after giant stained glass window. Spires adorned the top on all sides, gargoyles perched on every corner and an ornate bell tower sat off to one side.

The premier club in Edgewick, Vault is crowded on Friday nights. I spent fifteen minutes circling the small downtown district looking for a parking spot, while trying to psyche myself up to actually go inside and experience the lifestyle of a single twenty-something that I'd been woefully missing out on. Finally parking a block away, I amused myself by repeating "I think I can, I think I can" as I walked toward what would either be the best night of my adulthood or an utter disaster.

The club is housed in the main sanctuary of the church. I nervously made my way through the large wooden doors, down the stone steps leading into the dimly lit room and paused to look for my friends. I took in the tall cathedral ceiling, the way the strobe lights bounced off the paneled walls and stained glass. The place was magnificent. I could totally bliss out just walking around taking pictures if the whole social thing bombs. Looked like the night would rock no matter what, I thought to myself as I spotted the girls sitting on a low white sectional at the far edge of the dance floor.

"Seriously, Teagan, a camera? Most girls carry a purse," Tiffany yelled over the pulsing music, rolling her eyes. "And is that the same sad outfit you wore to work today? You couldn't put in a little effort?"

I glanced down at my simple white blouse, grey slacks and black ballet flats and back up at the girls. Tiffany had applied heavier makeup than usual and wore a turquoise sequined micro dress and stiletto heels. Kara had traded her simple up-do and little black dress for cascading curls and a shocking red halter dress. I shrugged and sat down next to them. "I didn't know there was a dress code. You know I don't do stuff like this."

"Oh, I know!" Tiffany said, smiling. "That's why I was so shocked you agreed to come out tonight!"

"We're going to have a blast! Here, I ordered a round of shots!" Kara said, handing me a small glass full of some dark, dangerous liquid.

I studied it pensively. "I don't drink."

Clinking her glass against mine, Kara said, "Girl, lighten up and chug it!"

Sighing, I tipped my head and slung back the bitter drink. It burned as it slid down my throat. Coughing, eyes burning, I slammed the glass down. I felt almost giddy with excitement and also a strange echo of guilt. Check one for the bucket list. "What I meant was that I've never drank."

They stared at me in shock. "You're kidding, right? Teagan, you're twenty-three years old! How is that even possible?"

"Uh, easily," I said. "I told you this isn't my scene. I usually just spend my evenings at home."

"I'm baffled. Well, we're here for you now and we're not breaking you in gently," Kara smirked, waiving down a waiter.

We hung out on the little couch, drinking an assortment of colorful drinks I couldn't begin to name and gossiping about people from work. Once I had enough liquid courage, the girls were able to pull me out onto the dance floor. The music was loud and hypnotic. We moved in a tight circle in the middle of the crowd. I felt incredibly unsteady and self-conscious at first but I followed the girl's lead and soon we were all swaying our hips to the beat and losing ourselves in the lyrics. A couple of men approached our group asking Tiffany and Kara to dance. Well, that wasn't confidence crusher or anything. Yea... Strike one for the most amazing night ever. Not wanting to be a third wheel, I waved at them to let them know I didn't mind and wobbled over to the bar for a glass of water.

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