A Stupid Prank

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I wake to a weird feeling on my head I try to hit it away with my hand so I don't have to open my eyes. But when my hand comes intact with something slimy I quickly open my eyes.

Right there leaning over my bed is a horrible thing. It smells disgusting and it is the character of most of my nightmares. Right there hovering over me was Puck.

Puck had a basketball in his hand and in the other a bottle of Pinocchio's advanced super glue that never comes off.

I scream and Puck jumps away from me.

"Puck seriously, super glue!" I scream at him.

"Dang it," Puck says and tries to fly out of the room.

"Oh no you don't," I tell him,"you are having a shower after I have mine because you are starting to smell like Elvis after eating sausages and that smell is horrible."

Puck whines but surprisingly obeys. He goes and sits outside the bathroom door and leans on the wall with his head back.

I find my clothes and walk into the bathroom to take my shower.

After my shower, I dry myself and get dressed. I walk out of the shower and Puck is still sitting there in the exact same position as I left him.

"Okay your turn," I tell him.

"I can't," he says.

"Yes you can and you will cause you smell like a hog, pig-face," I say.

"I can't I'm glued to the wall," he shouts.

I sigh and take his hand and pull as hard as I can. He comes off the wall, flying and he falls on me.

I push him off but he doesn't let go of my hand. "Let go of my hand stink butt." I pull on my hand some more and then I realize.

Our hands are glued together.

❤️So what do you think of the starting. Please comment. ❤️

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