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//Fynn's POV\\

So, while I was crying and cutting at Kana's house, someone came in and knocked me out. 

When I woke up I was in some room. I was tied to a chair. Happily I had the knife in my pocket, cuz the idiot forgot to check my pockets. After about 5 minutes he came in. Kana's dad came in, he said you'll be here a while.

Fynn: "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME? YOU KANA WILL come, and, get.. me..."

Mr. Conductor: "Oh really? I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about you, since, you guys just broke up."


Mr. Conductor: "I get my son. Your mom gets a live son and I get my son."

Fynn: "Kana or my mom will come and find you, I hope you know that."

Mr Conductor: "Oh, I'm counting on it."

Fynn: "You bitch. You hurt any of them I will kill you."

Mr. Conductor: "Yeah, right, have fun with your dreams. Go to sleep"

He then punched me.

I think I'm knocked out. I'm still thinking tho. What's happening?" How much of this did he plan? Why does he kinda sound like a girl? None of this would've happened if I never met Kana. What no, why am I thinking this way. I love Kana. Right?

//Kana's POV\\

It's been three days since I've seen Fynn. I thought he'd be home by now. I was just over reacting, he knows that, right? God I miss Fynn, I lost my one true love. I'm so stupid. I asked Katie where Fynn was

Katie: "I was wondering when you were gonna ask about him."

Kana:"SO...????? WHAT HAPPENED??"

Katie:"You know how the last place you saw him was at his house?"

Kana: "Yeah..? Why?"

Katie: "I'm pretty sure you weren't alone. After you came back and not Fynn I went there to see where Fynn was. I found this note."

Kana reads note 

 Kana: "Katie? What? You- you- him- what? Is Fynn gone?"

Katie: "No, but he might be soon, but I have a plan. It does involve taking you to him. You would have to in there, you would be there for about a day but you would have a secret microphone and secret camera. So we could see everything that was happening.

Kana: "I- I don't want to face him."

Katie: Kana you'll be in there two days tops, come on do it for the boy you love. He loves you and you love him, so do it to save him."

Kana: "Fynn probs hates me, since, we, ummm, kinda, *mumbles* broke up"

Katie: "WHAT? WHY?"

Kana: "Reasons okay. Now lets get that camera, I'm going to save the man I love. But like quick question where do we meet him? Did he leave an address, or like?"

Katie: "Idk let me check the note."

Reads the note

Katie: "No nothing that I see" 

Kana: "Check the back"

Katie: "It just says SPARKLE SPARKLE, what does that mean?"

Kana: "Idk but I have an idea, lets go"

SORRY I haven't updated in like two days, I've been busy. But I promise I'll update tomorrow. Also sry for the shitty chapter Ik it's bad, but I really don't know where this story's going. Leave ideas please. Also Also sorry for the short chapter I started writing this in the morning but had to leave and I kinda forgot where I was going with this chapter, so sorry. Right BYYYYEEEE!!!!

Kana Fynn Fana ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now