The only downside was I fell and hurt my leg during a game of people jenga. The pain was enough to sober me up and I ended up being taken to A&E by Frankie. I was told it was a sprain and to stay off it for a few days! The insurance company were going to love me this holiday!

Frankie took me back to the Villa with crutches and a bandaged ankle. I snuck in trying not wake everyone but Colin and James were still awake.

“What have you done?” James asked rushing over. Great the first time I see him since the fight and I wearing a bikini, sarong, and crutches... not to mention the state of my hair and make up. I should have stuck with Colin’s bikini plan, at least I wouldn’t look like a complete twat.

“People Jenga Casualty,” Frankie said. “The doc said it’s a sprain. She is lucky she didn’t break it, the way it twisted.”

“Are you ok?” James asked.

I nodded and glared at him. Frankie had given me some advice during our A&E stay. He told me not to be too hard on the guy. He was hurt by his ex, it would have bruised his ego not only to be cheated on but for it to be his best mate. That is double the loss and he had to prove he could get her back, as an alpha male thing. His friend slept with her because he could and was probably feeling pretty big in the balls department. James winning her back would be like walking into his mates cave and dragging her back to his by the hair. ‘Me, Man’ Frankie had said banging his chest all caveman like.

He had said he understood James wanting to keep his option open and leading her on the way she had with him. Getting her to jump through ‘guilty hoops’ in the hope of reconciling, only to meet me and realise that it wasn’t worth playing the circus tricks with her anymore. He liked me. It was difficult to cut the ties with him being away. He said maybe when we got back I might see it from a different point of view and realise that James is not as into her as he thought. I told him that was not going to happen, I’d been fucked over enough, by men, to last me a life time.

Now here we were, he was handing James the insurance paper work and I felt like a prat.

“Right I’m gonna get off, I just wanted to make sure she got back ok and had someone to look after her. She is supposed to be resting it. No Riverdancing,” he joked.

He was such a sweetie.

“I’ll see you later gorgeous,” he said pecking me on the lips again.

“Heeyyy,” I said scowling.

“I know I’m a kiss stealer but you have very kissable lips,” he said hurrying back out the door to the waiting taxi.

I couldn’t have planned that better if I tried.

“Who was that?” James asked.

“Frankie,” I replied as I walked to my room with crutches that were killing my armpits.

“Where’s Michelle?” he asked.

“I have no idea.”

“Shagging one of his mates no doubt,” Colin replied.

“No, last I saw of her, she was with some Scottish bloke asking him to do a Gerard Butler Impression,” I informed them.

“You’re back,” a sleepy Lauren said from the doorway as I turned around. “Oh my god what did you do?”

“People Jenga, one minute I was the top of the pyramid and the next at the bottom with everyone on top of me,” I said as I pulled off my sarong.

“You are covered in bruises,” she said rushing over as James and Colin watched from the door.

“I’m ok,” I said making light of it but knew when the booze and pain relief wore off I was in trouble!

I'VE SEEN HER! (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now