When he came out I was in bed, turned on my side with the blankets almost over my head and wondering if I was going to get any sleep, as I knew I wasn’t getting answers. I felt him climb in the bed and turn on his side away from me, reaching to turn the light off.

I hardly slept a wink so got up just before 5:00am and went for a walk on the beach. I sat there watching the waves and feeling the warmth of the sun taking the chill out of the air.

“Hey,” James said joining me. I looked at him briefly. “I thought we could talk.”

I didn’t say anything just sat, hugging my knees to me with my chin resting on them.

“I don’t like talking about Hayley,” oh great now she had a name. “It was a difficult break up and I still care for her...”

“You still care for her?” it was a like a knife to the chest.

“Yes,” his eyes told me ‘more than care’.

“Love her?”

He shrugged but also sort of nodded.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, was I having a nightmare!

“What the hell are you doing with me when you are still in love with your ex?” I asked feeling my blood run cold and tears stinging my eyes.

“I’m moving on,” he said as though it made it ok.

“Moving on! In other words you are using me to get over your ex?” I said standing up in anger.

“Not ‘using’, just trying to be with someone else.”

“Trying, rebounding more like! Your ex ‘cheated’ on you.”

“I know, but that was a mistake.”

“Oh so now you are making excuses for her! Don’t tell me it wasn’t her fault, your friend just trip and his dick fell in her as he landed on top of her.”

He rolled his eyes annoyed, “That is not what happened, I was...”

“I don’t want to hear you make excuses for her and what happened, or is happening in your fucked up relationship. You have used me James.”

“I didn’t.”

“You are in love with someone else! If my heart wasn’t fragile enough you just shattered it. How dare you lead me on with talk of falling in love with each other, when you have no heart to give.”

“I do!”

“No, you love your ex. What the hell am I on about, she is not even your ex.”

“She is.”


“It’s not, she knows we are together!”


“I told her.”

“We got together here on holiday. How have you told her?” the penny dropped. “All those calls that I think are from your sister are from her aren’t they.”

“No all of them.”

I felt my heart stop.

“I can’t believe I actually fell for you...” I ran off crying.

“Mel, wait.”

“Don’t follow me. Go home to your ‘friend fucking’ ex.”

“Mel calm down,” he said running in front of me to stop me.

I'VE SEEN HER! (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now