Chapter 4: Stalker

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"But it isn't safe for a beautiful girl like you to walk home by herself. Here, let me get that for you." He reaches for her bag and puts it on his shoulder, taking her hand. "Shall we get going?"

Speechless about his actions she nodded with a surprised expression. 'He's so polite and such a gentleman.. any girl would fall for him. Heck, maybe I am.'

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" Trying to bring her back he put his hands on her shoulders and lightly shook her.

"Hm? What is it?" She said noticing his hands after being brought back from her fantasies.

"You just zoned out. I had to bring you back somehow." The blonde chuckles beginning to walk with her. "So where do you live?"

"Not far from here, sorry for all the trouble. You really didn't have to walk with me." (Y/N) said feeling somewhat bad.

"No it's no trouble at all my angel. I like to talk to you, your a fun person to be around." Ren responds.

Making another suprised expression she blushed slightly. "Th-Thanks, Ren. We're here.. by the way." Feeling the annoyance of being stared at she looked around getting paranoid.

"Oh." He stopped at her apartment and scanned her expression. "Are you okay?   You look frightened." He pointed out.

"I-I'm fine. Would you like to come inside? The least I can do for you is make you some tea." The (H/C) haired girl offered.

"Ah I'd love that," He said with an excited tone and gently embraced her. "Thanks (Y/N)." Moments later he came to realize what he was doing. "S-Sorry, I don't know what came over me. If I was an invasion to your privacy then I apologize." Ren avoided to make eye contact with her guiltily.

"Y-You're fine.. S-So, would you like to come in now?" Unlocking the door she entered her apartment and removed her shoes. "I know it's not much, but this is what happens when you live alone."

He shook his head and closed the door behind the girl, doing the same routine as her. "No no, it's quite nice in here." Ren looked around getting the feeling of being watched he reverted his eyes at the window and saw a figure move from its position. 'What was that?'

"So Ren. What kind of tea would you like for me to make?" The (E/C) eyed girl asked starting to make the tea.

"Herbal is fine for me thanks." Still shooken up about what he saw by the window he had grown paranoid himself, standing up, he walked over to the window and closed the curtains, also locking the door.


"I'm done," The girl said exiting the kitchen placing the cup of tea down for him on the coffee table. She placed hers down and sat down beside him. "I hope it doesn't taste bad."

"Nonsense. I bet an angel like you would make anything taste good."

"You think so? I don't really think I'm a great cook all that much.." Awkwardly, she rubbed the back of her head.

After taking a sip of his tea, Ren looked at her placing the cup of tea down. "Don't say things like that," He placed his finger on her chin and tilted her head up so she looked at him. "I bet you make delicious meals. I'd like to try one for myself one day."

(Y/N)'s face painted a bright red and she nodded. "I don't.. mind." She looked away from him and he let go of her chin as well.

"I'm glad. Hey, (Y/N)?" Ren smiled then he took another sip of the tea she had made.

"Yes, what is it?" She questioned curiously.

"Have you ever got the feeling like your being watched?"


I'm really doing my best to make this story sound interesting. I really am! I hope you guys aren't bored of it.

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