Chapter 2

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Something smells good. Bacon, I smell bacon. I popped my head up and was dumbfounded by what i had just witnessed. Alick was making breakfast. He never cooks and I think this is the first time he has ever made something in the kitchen besides a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I slouched myself off of the couch and headed towards the kitchen. As i slowly observed his cooking he asked me what was wrong and why i was looking at him funny. I stared in amazement and said, “you’re cooking. The Alick Meleto is actually making food.” I started applauding him and he looked at me with a scowl on his face. I thanked him anyway and got myself ready for my first day at a small, run down school that I was NOT looking forward to going to.

Alick dropped me off in front of the school doorway. School hadn’t started yet so the students were still waiting outside. I took one step towards the doors, and everyone was already staring at me. I hate being the center of attention, even though at my old school I technically was. I stood by the bus stop sign away from the glaring eyes and waited for that first bell to ring. I heard footsteps walking my way. When i shifted my eyes to look and see who was walking over, they had already walked all the up to me. It was three guys. The one on the left side was about as tall as I was and his hair looked greasy from too much hair care. his shoulders were straight and his posture was phenomenal. The one on the right had clear skin not a black head in sight. He wore a white and green tie that striped widely with his plain white t-shirt. But the one in the middle seemed to be in charge of the others in a way. He looked at me up and down with his bright blue eyes. And i couldn’t understand how he could be wearing a leather jacket in 100 degree weather. “What’s your name?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

“Ummm...Arrabella. How bout you?” I questioned him right back.

He looked back and forth at his buddies once and then opened his mouth, “My name is Nathan Galloway. His..” he pointed to the one on the left, “is Chase Vanmeter, and this ones name is…”, he pointed to the one on the right,” Micheal Gillings.”

I nodded and smiled even though I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could. He looked at me up and down and stepped a bit closer which made me uncomfortable. As soon as he was about to open his mouth the bell rang and I practically sprinted for the doorway. This time I didn’t care if people were staring.

Throughout the day my schedule confused me, but I managed to get through half of the day. It was lunch time but i decided to go to my locker instead. I couldn’t quite figure out why these people liked slop for lunch. When i was putting in my combination I heard a loud CLASH from behind me. I turned around to observe the noise. It was a scrawny girl with glasses who had dropped her books. Her sleeves were up when she crouched down to collect her books and i saw some nasty bruises.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She cleared her throat, “Yeah, I’m fine.” She didn’t look at me once. She just kept looking down at the floor. She stormed down the hallway before i could speak a second time.

I somehow managed to get through the day without any large problems. I went back home and sat down on my new bed that Alick had set up for me while i was in school. I dozed off in the comfort of my pillow. and started dreaming.

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