“It’s not about giving up, it’s about being careful and following the right leads.”

“I am the right lead.”

“I know you are but if the trail runs cold...”

“A trail never runs cold for me. Something will happen that will trigger a memory, a missing piece of the puzzle and...”

“We have been over everything.”

“Not everything.”

“I just don’t want us to get our hopes up again like this morning. It’s like ripping the scab off a wound.”

“I know,” I said feeling the crushing waves of guilt. “I am so sorry I didn’t get her for you last time,” I said as tears fell too quickly to stop.

He propped himself up on one arm. “You have brought us closer to her, than anyone, since the day she was kidnapped. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”

“But I saw her, I cuddled and kissed her.”

“And that gives us comfort as we wish we could do it. We feared that someone had taken her and killed her. Now we know she is alive, looked after and smiling. I know she didn’t speak but still that is the best news we could have hoped for. At least we know we stand a chance of getting her back. I am sure that if we don’t see her, someone will, somewhere in the world and we will chase that lead too.”

“We still have over three weeks and I am going to use it to the best of my abilities.”

“This week is couples week. There is very little we can do except settled in. Make friends and relax. That way we won’t look suspicious next week.”

I nodded. “I know I just can’t help feeling it’s not really appropriate behaviour given the circumstances. Obviously I wouldn’t change it,” I added when I saw the reaction to the comment.

“You can’t help who you fall for, or when,” he said looking hurt and worried I had changed my mind about us.

“I guess I’m just a little concerned that your sister won’t approve or it will add to the worry that we are not looking hard enough.”

“No, she is the opposite.”

“How do you know?” I wondered what her reaction was.

“Because when I told her we were together she squealed and clapped.”

I giggled.

“She also asked if I could remember where my willy was and how to use it. She is a cheeky cow.”

I could see by the grin on his face that he adored her teasing.

“And what was your reply to the willy comment?”

“I said no, but you did.”

I gasped, “You did not!”

I stared at him waiting for him to say it was a joke.

“James, you didn’t. Oh my god!”

“She found it funny,” he said wincing as I slapped him.

“When did this happen?”

“This morning when you were downstairs and they were checking the images on the database. It was just a casual conversation.”

“A casual conversation about our sex life.”


I was disappointed.

“What? I didn’t know it was taboo. If you don’t want me telling people we are together...”

“No I just...” I sighed. “I guess I am a little touchy about my partner discussing our personal life given my previous experience.”

“Yeah well I am not that dickhead am I? I am not going to go around talking about it to everyone, it was a jokey comment, witty banter as a distraction during a tense time. I won’t mention it again.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s new, I haven’t got used to it myself yet and now other people know about my love life and...”

“I said I wouldn’t mention it again and I won’t. I’m going to get a drink.”

He stood up and walked away.

“James,” I said hurrying after him and tried to grab his hand.

“Look I am in a foul mood now. Maybe I am being over sensitive and this is emotional enough time. Let’s just split up for a bit and have a break from each other.”

“What?” I was stunned. “I don’t want to split up. I like being your girlfriend...”

“I meant have a break from each other for an hour or so. I’ll go for a drink with the lads whilst you go sun bath with the girls.”

He waved at Colin who was propping up the bar again.

“Hurray! Welcome back buddy,” Colin cheered. “Lauren was determined you would be spending the day in bed together, making up and I bet her £50 that you would be in the bar by lunch.”

“I want half of that,” James replied taking a seat.

“So have you made up?” Colin asked with an eyebrow wiggle.

James ignored him and ordered a pint. No drink for me. That was a big enough hint. I walked off. 

I didn’t join the girls. I went for a walk to see some of the places I visited last year. I stopped in one for a coffee and cake. I actually enjoyed my alone time. He was right the break was doing us good.

I spoke to my sister on the phone where she told me my boiler was now fixed and I wasn’t charged a penny. Apparently, the engineer refused payment saying it was a favour and already covered. I didn’t feel like I deserved a favour but I was struggling financially so couldn’t refuse.

Next I walked up a hill to a catch the best view and sat there till the sun went down. It was beautiful. 

I'VE SEEN HER! (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now