Chapter 1.Reflection

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As I walked out of the Airport,the view shocked me. so different....from Home.-I thought.
Green areas were everywhere,cemented paths,blossomed flowers,luxurious cars...
This doesn't look so bad, don't you think so Ibtisam?-My aunt murmered.
-I haven't seen much of it actually aunt Nahla.-I replied.
As i walked further away from the airport,those thoughts came again,the ones that i tried so badly to forget.
My soul is shattered,will I ever be free from this nightmare?I still remember that day,the last day i saw them.I gasp for air as I try to maintain my composture.
How do we get to the inner city?-I asked my aunt freeing my mind from those thoughts.
-I'd like to know that,Sweetheart.We need to ask somebody.-She replied.
Wait here,I'm going to check the map over there.
Alright,no problem-I said.
24th of February and over a few days,I'll be starting my new school.
Back in Jordan,we left everything behind,our house,our memories,our loved ones.
Am I scared? Mhmmm...That's not the exact word.
I've been looking forward to this day,now that I'm here,I,somehow want to go back,back as it was before;Back as when we were all together and Happy,but now,that ain't possible.

We gotta take that bus over there,the next one passes in 30min!-She shouted.
We ran towards it;it was pretty empty.It didnt bother me much so I just took one of the first seats that I saw.
-We don't have this in Jordan.-I laughed in my mind.
Feeling tired,I decided to close my eyes and let that deep dream take me.Are 8 hours flight to this Oceaniac continent worth it?
Let's hope so.

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