Ava Thompson

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I didn't know what I would do. I sat there, at her funeral, feeling so empty, with my family and friends sitting around me not knowing how I could live without her.  I had everything the perfect girlfriend, that I was totally and completely in love with, I was popular, my grades were amazing. My life was perfect until the afternoon of the 2nd of September 2016. Ava Thompson. I loved her. We laughed, we cried and then laughed again. We never spent a minute apart. You know unless we were in different classes. I met her in science. She was my year 9 lab partner. 

Ava Thompson was the new girl that sat at the back of class. Ava had beautiful dirty blonde hair with the most crystal blue eyes you'd ever see. She was quiet and mysterious at first but as we talked more and worked together more, we learned more about each other. I learned that she was artistic and loved to paint. Ava was musical and had the voice of an angel. She was kind and beautiful and loved being with her friends. Ava was loving and compassionate. She loved to read and learn and movies. Although we could never get all the way through a horror movie with out her nearly crying. Ava Thompson was the person every girl wanted to be and the girl every boy wanted to date, but for some reason she chose me to love. I wasn't the smartest or the hottest or the most athletic guy in school. I was just average. But she chose me to love. She chose me to laugh with at lunch, she chose me to text late at night, she chose me to snuggle with at movies, but what she didn't know was that she chose me to hurt the most if anything was to ever happen to her. And the moment that I found out what happened to Ava , that she had died, I knew that I had lost the most important thing to me in my life. I had lost the love of my life, and because of this I shut everything off because I thought I would never feel that again. I never wanted to feel that again unless it was with Ava.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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