Chapter 1

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Laila was crying uncontrollably. She screamed in anguish and collapsed to the floor. She was just saved after being shoved into a locker and kicked until the door broke. I saw what was happening and ran to the principal as fast as I could. He and some teachers took the kids away to deal with them. I ripped the door off the locker and pulled her out. I held her and she slowly slipped out of my grasp. She sat there on her knees, doubled over and holding her stomach in pain. I hushed her and rubbed her back gently.

"You're safe now, darling. Everything is OK," I whispered to her. She quieted herself and gasped shakily.

"Thank you so much, Luke," Laila said, hugging me tightly. I continued to rub her back and held her.

"Why were they doing that to you?"

"Because I'm a therian," She replied, "That's why I wear fox tails," she reached to pet her tail, which she had just noticed had been broken by one of the bullies. A small piece hung from her belt, looking sad and hurt. Two more pieces were on the floor, ripped unevenly. She quickly walked on her knees to the other parts. Tufts of bright red and white fur laid around it. She picked them up and put them in her bag. Wiping tears off her face, she started walking away from me. I followed her movement with my eyes and watched until she was out of sight. I sat there still, listening to make sure she was safe. I slowly stood and went to the main hall, where I lost sight of Laila. I looked in the direction she went to see her at the opposite end, standing alone outside her next class. I smiled at her and she smiled back and gave me a little wave.

I always make it my goal to help people. I hate seeing others being hurt. I don't like violence; that's why I don't beat up the bullies. If I did, I'd be just as bad as them.

"Hey, you! Why the fuck did you snitch?" I heard a voice yell from behind me. I turned around to see the "ring leader" of the boys that hurt Laila. Somehow, he wasn't in trouble. I turned back around and kept walking to class, not saying a word. I heard him begin to run towards me. I opened the classroom door and shut it behind me quickly, putting my middle finger up to the window.

After class, the kid was waiting outside the door. Laila and I walked out of class at the same time. We had different classes that were right next to each other. She saw the boy and tried to point him out to me but he jumped me before I could react.

"Sam! Get off Luke!" Laila yelled. Sam pulled out a knife and put it to my neck.

"Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches," he whispered into my ear. Other kids started yelling to get the attention of a teacher or security guard. A tall, quiet boy came up behind Sam and pulled him off me and took his knife. He held Sam in a headlock. I fell to the floor. The knife got kicked down the hall. A security guard arrested Sam and everyone made their way to class, talking about what had happened. Laila walked over to me and sat beside me.

"Are you ok?" she asked softly. I barely muttered a "no" before I started bawling. She pulled me close to her and rubbed my back. "Thank you for helping me before, Luke. And you need to remember that you can't always be the hero."

"I know, Laila, but... I hate to see people get hurt..." I whispered.

"I know, Luke."

We both stood up and she walked me to the next class, which we had together. I sat in the back of class silently. The day went by slowly. Up until the moment I walked through my front door and locked it behind me, I didn't feel safe. I was constantly checking over my shoulder and every loud noise made me jump. I laid down in my bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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