Chapter 3 ~ Betrayal From A Horse

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"Do you feel sparks when you two touch?" she asked.

"I forbade him from touching me," I answered simply. She gave me a flat look.

"You're impossible. Why did he choose you?!" She exclaimed, her calm and logical exterior evaporating.

"That's exactly what I want to know! Now you understand me! Was he drunk when he made that decision?!"

"But Ari let's face it you don't kiss his ass and you have all the skills. Why wouldn't he choose you?"

I ignored this.

"Please don't tell me he is one for enjoying the chase because I've been in that dilemma one too many times," I urged.

"He'll do whatever he can to get his princess. You don't stand a chance," she stated confidently.

"Where is your support in me? I thought you were my best friend! I'm not cut out to be a princess. Just look at the state of me!" I cried out vehemently. Juliet rolled her eyes. Gosh she does that a lot.

"Cut it out Ari and calm down before you have a panic attack. You'll be fine. At least be open minded about this like you always are." I let her words sink in. I know I should give this a fair shot despite how much I didn't want to. It was only fair on the Prince.


"Good. Now, no more running away okay? We're going to go to the courtyard and you will show Chris how you ride a horse. Do you understand?" I wish I didn't.

I nodded. She got off my bed and walked towards the door. I followed behind her promptly.

There was silence during the walk until Juliet turned her head and gave a cheeky smile. She was going to say a remark we both knew I'll hate. "So you reckon you'll stick to the traditional white on the wedding?"

My eyes turned into slits. "You're aren't making this any better for your brother. The horse might accidentally trample over him."

"You'll go to jail," she stated.

"That's better than getting married," I countered.

"Oh c'mon, didn't we always want to be sisters?" But we already are sisters...

"Not when it includes marrying your brother." Isn't that incest?

"He's not that bad. He could've been a lot worse." True...

"I have nothing against your brother. I just don't want to get married."

"Trust me, you'll warm up to the idea sooner or later... though sooner would be better than later." Never. I will die trying to be understood.

But I have so much to live for... Juliet and I entered the courtyard, a beautiful love scene portrayed before us. Gah, who am I kidding?

"Look! They look so lovey dovey, it's so cute. That's it! They'll fall in love, get married and have beautiful babies! I don't need to be in this equation!" I lied. Luckily I didn't catch the duo's attention.

"Ari, last time I checked Chris wanted a girl who can least ride a horse without him helping her through each and every step." Juliet said this without looking at me, she watched the pair with her beady eyes.

"You must've checked a long time ago look how much fun they're having!" Of course I was lying. Chrissy looked like he wanted to pull his hair out. Poor Chrissy.

"Christopher!" Juliet called out. He immediately looked towards us with his desperate eyes, he sighed in relief as he saw me. I scowled at him. Sydney scowled at me. I smiled sweetly at her.

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