Choices [Twilight Fanfiction]

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March. Oh, how I loved the early spring days. The sun shining on my face. The birds chirping everywhere. And the deer. Oh, the yummy deer. Hunting wasnt exactly one of my favorite thing to do, but I had to feed. Human food didnt exactly like me. I sighed. I really did want to go hunting. But I couldnt. Mom and Dad wouldnt be back from Washington State till tonight. I had to wait until the got back. They were on their yearly trip to visit Dad's collige, Carlisle Cullen. He had a family there. I have never met them before. Only through pictures and stories. The updates were that Edward, the oldest of the clan, had gotten married to a human girl named Isabella Swan. She had gotten pregnant with a girl and now she was a vampire. The girl was a half breed. Like me. 

This year, I was really hoping that I could go with them when the went back in April. I was ansy to meet one of my own kind. But I was shy, so I guess, I needed guidence on meeting new vampires. But I was still kind of hoping they let me tag along. My sister, Lisa and Mariella, didnt want to visit the Cullens. They thought that Edward's wife would be a nuisance since she was a newborn. Dad said it would be OK. As long as she didnt try to kill any of us, it would be fine. I was still not so sure. 

So my brothers, Gustavo and Estefan, had taken every precaution they could before traveling to Forks. The only humans they knew were Bella's mom and Dad. They also knew Jacob Black. He was a child of the moon. A werewolf. Plus, he had imprinted on Renesmee, the half breed. Imprinitng is when you fall deeply in love with them. I wish I had someone special. Even if it was imprinting, I would be OK with it. 

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