Chapter 2

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Logan was in his office talking with his partners about what's going on so.

"So what did you guys find out?" Logan ask

"Logan, It's not good." Jeff said one of the partners

"Why? What are they after her for?" Logan said

"There're after her because of who she is and who she knows." Jeff said

"What does that have anything to do with the job though?" Logan asked

"Well, she dated and rejected the Huntzberger Heir, she's a Gilmore and because she was in the DAR. They feel that she shouldn't be there cause of who she is." Jeff said

"So just because of names, she can't achieve her dreams or work like any other person would?" Logan asked

"I guess, but it feels like something bigger than just her working." Jeff said

"Ok, thanks for all the info and help. I'm gonna finish somethings up then head over to Minneapolis and try to get her to Hartford or Boston safely." Logan said

"Ok, take care and let us know how things go and if you need anything else." Jeff said

"Ok thanks man, I really appreciate all the help." Logan said

"Hey no problem, gotta keep the girl safe." Jeff said

"Hahaha, well thanks again guys, I'll keep you in touch." Logan said

"You better, now get going to your girl and keep her safe." Jeff said

"Alright, I know when I'm not wanted." Logan joked and left to grab his stuff from his office then leave to catch his plane

Finn and Rory had just finished watching a movie when Rory says that she should phone her mom and grandparents tomorrow and let them know what was happening. Rory's boss had said that they would call both Lorelai and the grandparents to let them know she was ok and safe. Now knowing what they said were up to, I don't know if they phoned or what.

"Well you know what, phone them right now and let them know your ok and safe. Use the landline, I'll get my security to double check its not being taped." Finn said

"Ok thanks, ya it would make me feel better to talk with them." Rory said

Finn made a call to his security and they checked all the phone lines, they were all clear including Lorelai's and Richard and Emily's landlines as well.

Rory first phoned Lorelai and their talk went on for a while. They talked about everything and Lorelai promised she would tell Luke and everyone else she was safe but to tell them not to blab it everywhere they went.

Ring, ring

"Hello?" Lorelai said

'Hey mom." Rory said

"Oh my god, your ok I was so worried. I was watching tv and then the special report came on and all I saw was you right in the middle with that bullet coming towards you. I was gonna call you but I think I was so in shock I just froze watching the tv. Thank god you ducked down. Then someone from the campaign calls and tells me that they've put you in hiding because you were the target. I was ready to freak out. I'm so happy you called." Lorelai said

"Ya that's why I wanted to phone, I'm not with the campaign, ignore what they said. There was a shooting and everything was just in cautious mode and then all of a sudden I feel my phone buzzing in my pock. I picked it up and didn't really have time to comprehend who it was or what they were saying all I knew was that they were telling me do listen and duck. After that and realizing that they bullet was meant for me, I couldn't even think but I thank him profusely for like saving my life. Then I went to see my boss and he said I was a target and that security would walk me back to the hotel to get my stuff then put me in hiding. I was just turning the corner to meet security when I overheard them talking about kidnapping me and that I was the target and how they were going to play everything out. I ran so fast back to the hotel, packed everything up quickly then went to Elle's room to see if she was back yet, she wasn't so I then went to the bathroom locked the door and phoned him back asking for help cause I didn't know what to do. He was definitely a life saver twice today and so are his friends. I honestly don't know what would have happened if he hadn't called. So, I'm safe now lots of protection and don't listen to the campaign people if they call again." Rory said

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