26; Notes, towel drops, and face oil

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I wake up the next morning by rolling over and pressing my face into a piece of paper I had no idea was there. Opening my eyes I see a note covered in scribbled writing on the pillow beside me.


Have work today, will be home at 5. Feel free to make yourself at home, there's bagels in the cupboard. 

Have a lovely day.

- Niall

I smile and get up, stretching my arms to try and ease the tension I've been feeling. Maybe it's been all the travelling but my body has never felt more tired. I feel like I've aged about twenty years.

I gather some things to take into the bathroom and make my way down the hall. Niall's bathroom is expected. Bottles of cologne line the counter, mixed in with hair gel and strangely a tube of 'moisturising face oil'. I look at that for a while before I dump my things down and turn on the shower.

I realise then that there are no towels in the entire bathroom. No towels. I go hunting and eventually find a cupboard that stocks a broken lamp, boxes and boxes of junk and one box called 'christmas decorations', and a few measly towels on the bottom shelf.

Ah, men.

The water temperature in the shower is either way too hot or way too cold, I find out the hard way, so my shower doesn't last long because I would either freeze to death or burn alive. Once I'm out of the shower I wrap the thin little towel around me and sneakily use some of the face oil, and I'm just applying it when the bathroom door bursts open.

I scream and drop the face oil, and it goes everywhere and I scream even more. Because, damn, that shit looks expensive.

I then look towards the door and see a very sleepy looking guy that I assume is Niall's flatmate. He wears nothing but plaid boxers and looks very, very shocked to see me. He came home later than Niall had anticipated so when he finally did return, I was fast asleep. This would mean that this is the first time I am meeting him. In a towel.

"Fuck," he murmurs under his breath. "I'm sorry." He rubs at his eyes, trying to wake up.

What Niall didn't tell me was that Chris was very fucking attractive, and now I'm blushing.

"I-I'm Violet," I stammer, not really knowing what to do. "I'm Niall's friend."

"Oh." he slurs. "Hey." More rubbing at his eyes. I expect him to say more but he doesn't. 

"I dropped your face oil," I say. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it's Niall's."

We fall into an awkward silence.

"Right, well, I'll let you have the bathroom." And just as I'm trying to scurry away, I crash into him at the door. My shoulder hitting his chest. I let out a small squeak.

"I'm sorry," I say again.

"I'll uh-" He says, trying to move.

"If you move left-"


"My right?"


"Could this be more awkward?" He asks me.

And yes, it could, because at that exact moment I forget I'm wearing just a towel and I go to turn and the entire thing drops to the floor. 

Chris's eyes immediately go to my naked body and he just stares for a few seconds as I stand perfectly still, hoping the ground will open and swallow me whole. Because oh my fucking god. Then he looks away, his cheeks turning pink, and he swallows.

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