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This book is pretty much explanatory , this is a book where you can advertise your work to get more readers , comments etc.

All I'm asking for is for you guys to also read my work ,comment , vote or you could do all of them it's up to you but I also see it's only fair if you at lest take the time to read my book. Thank you now for the rules on how this works comment below

1)title : of your book
Author :
Status: (ex. Ongoing , complete , new..)
Summary: it can be brief or not it's really up to you guys

I will say this I'm going to try to add your story in my book as much as I can but I might take a while as I'm also working on a different story which Im hoping you guys can check out. I'm sorry if there's ever a point that I don't add your story or don't get to you but I'm sure someone else will .

Also I do reads for reads , comments for comments , votes for votes , so go out there guys and share this book so it can grow and I can keep advertising !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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