Kent didn’t like being challenged, that was the whole point of Pete’s approach. “I didn’t send them.” he said more tightly. “I’ve been truthful about everything I’ve done because I believe in it and I believe I’ll be out of here soon enough to continue my path.”

“If you didn’t send these to threaten the parents of Billie and Joseph Savich, who did?”

“I didn’t know, has the bitch pissed anyone else off lately?”

“I think you know who sent these and I think you have someone on the outside helping you.”

“I don’t need help.”

“Then tell me; how did you manage to stay under the radar this long? How did you keep anyone from learning your true path?”

“I’m smart; I’m smarter than anyone has given me credit for my whole life.”

“I have another question for you Kent. How exactly did you kill Father Savich?”

“What is Pete doing?” Billie asked Nicholas.

“Following a hunch.” His blue eyes didn’t move as he listened intently to the interview.

Dillon stepped closer to Billie and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “It’s almost over. You don’t have to listen to this if you don’t want to.”

“I owe it to Joey to be here every step of the way. I already know what happened that night, now we get to hear it in this bastard’s words.” Her jaw was tight, she wasn’t going to back away and let this bastard win but she didn’t have to be happy about it. Happy, that wasn’t something she could remember feeling. Her brother had only been dead several weeks but if felt like years. Years since she had her first real breath of air, a smile that wasn’t forced.

“It looks like you already know.” Kent said his chained hand waving to the files Pete had.

“Yes.” Pete made a point of closing the one file he had open. “But I want to hear it from you.”

“I went and spoke to Father Savich for some time that night, he was wonderful.” He spoke with admiration that only made it all the more twisted considering he killed the man. “I killed him in his office, gunshot to the head as it was the quickest way.”

“What else? Where was Joey when you shot him?”

Billie had worked for Pete and his team for years, she knew the inner workings, the paths he liked to follow and where his hunches normally led. Her heart sank as she figured this one out. She turned to Nicholas. “Kent didn’t kill Joey?”

Nicholas glanced at her with sad blue eyes before looking back at Pete through the glass. “There have been inconsistencies with what we found and what he’s been saying.”

Billie bit back her anger and watched the interview, she could figure it all out later when she could talk to Pete.

Kent smiled. “If I didn’t know better I’d think you’re getting off on all these gory details.”

Pete shrugged and sat back in his chair, he never let a perpetrator’s words affect him. “You haven’t given me any gory details. You’re going around in circles with your beliefs and righteous attitude but you haven’t given me anything and do you know why? It’s because you don’t know. You’re weak and you couldn’t even follow the path god put you on without being a loser.” He had already gotten into the man’s head and knew the trigger words to use, the correct atmosphere to set the tone and make the man crack.

Kent’s face grew beet red. “You don’t know anything old man.”

“Deflecting is a key sign in showing inadequacy. It’s a very simple question, something you’re very proud of it seems, where was Father Savich when you shot him?”

Kent looked at Pete with hatred. “Fine old man, he was seated behind his desk where we spoke for a few minutes and I killed him.”

Pete’s smile shifted from professional to satisfactory. It was the smile he used when the cards were dealt in his favor, when his hunches took him down the right quest for the pieces of the missing puzzle. “Thank you for your time Mr. Kendall. I’ll be leaving you now.” he gathered the stack of files as he stood.

“Where are you going?” Kent asked with his curiosity about the whole exchange visible along his face.

“We’ll speak again soon.”

Billie rushed from the watch room to join Pete in the hallway. “He got it wrong.” She thought back to every piece of information they had on Joey’s case and everything they had about the other murders. There was no question Kent was involved in all of this but his part in it grew very muddled.

Pete prided himself on his work but he by no means enjoyed dragging this case out longer. They would’ve all preferred if they could’ve closed the file on this and let the families be able to move on but there’d nothing resolved if they didn’t have all the answers. “The person who fired the shot is still out there.”

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