Do I Really Love Him?

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(P.s italics mean thoughts bold means authors note. K bye enjoy the story)
Garroths pov:
I wake up to the sound of Dante and Laurence screaming in the kitchen. "STOP EATING ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE!WE HAVE TO GO OUT ALMOST EVERYDAY BECAUSE THERE IS NO FOOD!" screamed Laurence "WELL IM SORRY THAT IM A NORMAL HUMAN BEING AND I NEED TO EAT!" replied Dante screaming louder than Laurence.They kept fighting so i decided to go downstairs and tell them to stop. All of a sudden i hear Travis shout "STOP YELLING, I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP!" I go downstairs anyway forgetting i dont have a shirt on. I run down the stairs. When im downstairs nobody notices me so i decide to scare Laurence. I sneak up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder "AHHHHH OH MY IRENE GARROTH YOU SCARRED THE CRAP OUT OF ME." "HAHAHA, i didnt think id scare you that much!" "well you did." Laurence said making a pouty face. He looks so cute when he makes that face. Wait...did I  really just think that . We're bros.its weird to think that hes cute even though he is one of the cutest people i know. Snap out of it Garroth "Uhh, Garroth are you ok?" I hear Laurence say "Huh, oh yeah,yeah im fine i just got lost in my thoughts." "Well if you say so." "Hey Garroth wanna go to the store BECAUSE SOMEONE ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE HOUSE!" Yelled Laurence "HEY, I SAID SORRY!" Dante yelled back. "Yeah sure,ill go with you."i say.

Laurences pov:

"Yeah sure,ill go."said Garroth. "K, lets go." I say gesturing towards the door. "Hotties first." I mumble. "Uhh, did you say something?''Garroth asks confused. Shit did i really just say that,i dont want him to know that i have a crush on him...unless he likes me to . wait...hes not wearing his shirt. Wow his abbs are so deffined maybye he wont mind if i touch them. No that will look weird. Oh crap, i just realised im staring at him,in my deffence how could somebody not hes so cute.wait maybye i should tell him that he isnt wearing a shirt. "Well at least im not the only one who stares while gettinb lost in my thoughts"i hear Garroth say laughing. "Oh sorry," i say "Uh garroth." "yes?" He asks. "You arent wearing a shirt." I say and i see him blush. Huh whats up with Garroth he never blushes hes usually so confident its one of the millions of things i love about him."Uh Garroth are you ok?" I ask "Y-y-yeah I-I-I'm f-fine"Garroth stutters. Huh whats wrong with him he never stutters either."Uh Garroth, are you ok you're stuttering and blushing and you never do either of those?" I ask very confused. "Yeah im fine."Garroth tries to say with out stuttering then runs of into his room and returns a minute later in his favorite shirt. "Ok i have my shirt on now so lets go." He says "Ok." I respond and we walk out to the store.

(Time skip to the store brought to you by pink fluffy unicons dancing on rainbows)

Garroths pov:
We arrive at the store and i let Laurence pick out the snacks while i go to get something for Laurence who i still cant get out of my mind his beautiful smile that could blind you if you look at it for too long (wich btw is impossible not to do i mean hes fricken gorgeous), his beautiful blue eyes, his amazing laugh that always makes me smile the way he run his fingers through his hair his beautiful brown silky hair. I go to the flowers aisle and get a green and a blue flower (green represents Laurence blue represents me) I might put it on his bedside table with a note.

Well thats the first chapter done I'll do the second one tomorrow tell me if i should do some other ships like zanvis or vlante in this book as well, k bye my fluffy wolves.

I will protect you (Garrence fanfic) (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang