Chapter 1

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Last night I was up and down like a YoYo, Ariel has been under the weather for the last two days and it turns out she's got a ear infection and a chest infection, bless my poorly baby. Finn was staying round at the house making sure everything was alright since he was on the switches but usually he would be at ours, we rent a flat in the village since we wanted our daughter to grow up where everyone knows each other. Since James died Finn hasn't been himself but would you when your dad has died and people are blaming suicide. James wouldn't do that, he had so much to live for his and Emma's wedding, seeing Ariel grow up and Moses. I guess we've just got to look forward though and I've got to support him as much as I can and we should be able to work things out, I should be able to help him through the pain of loose his dad, I've found out that whenever he's with Ariel he's so much happier though and with me. Im always their to listen and always will be.

Ariel woke crying once again at 7am so I knew their was no point going to put her back to bed so I went into her room and picked up my two year old daughter "come here princess, shall we go and get you some medicine" I asked her softly as she cried with her head on my shoulder "i know it hurts baby" i say softly to my daughter and I carry her downstairs. Yes I know I said we live in a flat but it's the kind of flat which you have a upstairs and downstairs, it's perfectly for the three of us but if you were to add anyone or anything else to the mix then it would probably be a tight squeeze.

I arrived at kitchen and placed Ariel into her chair and opened the medicine cupboard before pulling her calpol from the top shelf, I pull the cutlery draw open and found the small spoon which i poured the red coloured liquid onto and then told my little girl to open up. She takes the medicine like a good girl before I take her into the living room and turned the Tv on. "Want to watch Peppa Pig?" I asked her as i placed her on the sofa and she snuggled down "yes please mummy" she replied groggily and I put one of the peppa pig DVDs to place it into the DVD player before I press play "I'll be back with a drink" I tell my little girl before leaving the room.

Back in the kitchen I decided that I needed a coffee to wake me up, I flick the kettle on added a spoon of sugar to my cup before getting Ariels bottle
which she used for squash or water but I don't let her use it all the time because it's a bad habit to get into. The kettle boiled and I added the water to my cup mixing it before doing my daughter some water. I take both drinks to the living room and gave Ariel her bottle and she took it and drank some.

"Mummy we going to see Aaron today" Ariel asks me sweetly with her cutest smile, her smile was my everything it's enough to make me smile myself. "Do you want to see uncle Aaron?" I asked the young girl who nodded happily "I'll see if uncle Aaron's free and then when we've met daddy we will go see him" I tell her softly

To Aaron❤️☺️

Hey bro. Ariel wants to see her favourite uncle, you free later?

From Aaron❤️☺️

I'm free this afternoon, obviously Ariel wants to see me who doesn't 😂

To Aaron❤️☺️

Don't be such a big head, see you later then you idiot, love you x

I put my phone down and drank my coffee "we're seeing uncle Aaron later" I tell Ariel who smiled with a little cheer which was croaky. "Mummy when we going meet daddy and Aaron" Ariel asks quietly and I checked the time "were going to meet daddy later on" I tell my little girl who just simply nodded as she continued to watch Peppa pig which she seems to love.

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