Blog 2# Bad Habits

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9th of December 2016

G'Day guys




*face palmed myself for my cultural greeting...aussies I tell you...there is just no way to better explain this*


So anyways Hi Guys, todays blog I want to discuss something that we all have and a majority of people will despise us and want to run us over with a lawn mower for...

I'm talking about bad habits

Yes that's right everyone's harmartia...flaws...very bad habits.

If anyone knows me well enough then they will know that I have multiple bad habits and I will be discussing them today but first:


-Some of us cannot help it if we have these habits there for no hateful and horrible comments will be tolerated.

-No judgement

-If you want to discuss your flaws, then tell me, don't be scared for ashamed as the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one

-Also the habits spoken today are all in humour and are in no way meant to offend anyone so if you don't have a sense of humour then I suggest you leave this blog now.




Okay so starting with my first bad habit...nail biting

Please don't kill me

I have been biting my nails since a young age and everyone who has seen me bite my nails always asks the same things "do you have anxiety"

Well yes I do as everyone does but I do not bite my nails when I am nervous, I bite my nails just cause. I have tried stopping this terrible act but it has always been hard to do, and I have tried just about every trick in the book. I find that it has been a bit of a positive having bitten, short nails compared to my friends as I feel like I have a better grip on things, I can unpick tiny knots and read adjust alot of small fragile things since I have no long nails in the way. So positive for me, only negative is that I struggle to stop my nail biting habit, if you have any nail biting habits then please leave a comment and we can discuss the struggles and positives together.

The second habit...tapping

We all know that one kid in the classroom who will sit there and just tap with either their hands or their fingers and all you want to do is go over to their desks and kill them physically for this act. Honestly I have done this one from time to time and I know it is a great way to keep yourself occupied is just no reason to be doing this.

Not picking up after yourself...there is just no excuse and you should all be ashamed if your parents are not already. Lol. Cause not only does it make it harder for you to find significant crap but also it creates a safety hazard for yourself to wade through in the middle of the night after a midnight toilet break for fridge need serious help. before you all start on me, humming isn't a issue...usually, unless if you know two things: one it is distracting and two the person has no musical tune at all and they sound like they have put the cat into the blender and turned it on (sorry but the truth needs to be acknowledged), humming is an extreme pet peeve and it should just be stopped as an act of cruelty towards the innocent and just start being used in places where there are little to no people in the room...or if they also hum and are bad at it.

Chewing pencils...I'm sorry but if this was a legal crime then I would have been arrested and sentenced to life in prison by now because I am guilty as charged...but it's not so I am just gonna keep doing it #yolo. Chewing pencils are seen as a way to help generate new ideas by grinding the generated intelligence acids found in the pencils and then transferred through our saliva and into the nerves and then through to the brain, I see those who chew pencils as intelligent as they come, unfortunately to everyone else we might as well just be picking our noses because they deem chewing pencils as disgusting...WHAT DO THEY KNOW? THEY DON'T GET HIGH GRADES LIKE US!

Also mumbling, now personally I find mumbling as a personal strategy to say something like a much needed comeback/insult towards another douche and you are in control because you can mumble and make them question what you really said...sadly everyone else finds it annoying. Sadly they don't have it strong in the sense of hearing cause they can't hear you no matter how many times you repeat the words, like how many times have we accidently mumbled to our grandparents and they just get up in your grill saying 'Can you please stop mumbling child, speak up!', well I didn't invite you to my BBQ so why are you up in my grill for, not my fault you have weak hearing. I know it's hard to break this b=habit cold turkey but if you are one of the fortunate people who have broken this habit and have stayed clean for more than 6 months then I honestly have respect for you (also if you could comment how to break this bad habit then please do I need to know the secret)




Okay guys so we have discussed some of the bad habits that have overtaken us and how they affect us. Please comment below and tell me what are your worst habits? and if you have any tips for dealing with the habits spoken above then please tell me your secrets in the comments because I could really use some tips and if you are someone who has bad habits don't give up the battle because I know that we can conquer this one bad habit at a time.. If you enjoyed this blog post then please press that vote button and if you want to be the first to receive updates on my blog book then please press my icon and follow me.

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Love you guys and see you soon,

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