Meeting the Tweedles!

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After the long way down the rabbit hole Alice finally fell onto a floor or so she thought then out of nowhere the room flipped and Alice was on the ground once again. Ow she said sitting up. She then looked around and said hello? Is anyone here? She stood up and started trying the doors none of them opened. Alice saw a table and went over to it there was a key she tried it in every door. Then leaned on a curtain but there felt like a knob she turned and opened it. There was a tiny door she turned the key and it unlocked! Alice squeezed her head through and said wow it was like no other place. She backed out and looked on the table there was a drink me potion and a eat me cake. She took a small part of the cake and ate it and she started to grow then she drank the potion and shrunk to such a small size. So still holding the key she took the cake and walked out the door after being out she ate the cake and was her normal size again. Looking back up again she saw two strange boys. Hi one said i'm Tweedle dee and this is my twin brother Tweedle dum he said.

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