Saitama X Reader ~ Punched by Love ~

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Midnight in City A. You decide to take a late night walk through your favorite park after a train wreck of a day: you lost your job at the grocers and the video store right when your TV decided to make things hard on you and crapped out.

You watch the park inhabitants for some kind of entertainment.

The kids on their skateboards and roller blades, the old man walking his cat and the troop of lovers that march two by two on the walkway.

You sigh as a small contented smile adorns you lips. "Just like on TV."

~ Suddenly ~

Screams of fleeing pedestrians disrupts the tranquil scene.

"What's going on?" you ask while trying to avoid being trampled.

"It's a monster!" squeals a passerby.

"It's gonna eat the kid!" cried another.

Having the information you need you run in the opposite direction of the panicking people.

"Wahh!" you hear the child's cries as you approach.

"I'll show you what happens to little boys who stay out after dark." the monster says, licking his chops.

"Pick on someone your own size!" you exclaimed, hurtling your shoe at the monster.

Irritated, the monster stands up straight and turns to you.

"Gah!" you cringe upon seeing his size.

"Wah!" the little boy cries as he runs over and squeezes your leg.

You slap your cheeks and shake off his intimidation.

"You don't scare me. You're just a big ugly bully!" you resume your brave stance.

"I could care less about the opinion of a puny weakling." the monster remarks.

"That mean you do care, you big oaf!" you flail your fist as you criticize him.

"Whatever. Just shut up and let me eat you!" the monster lunges at you.

"Ungh!" you close your eyes and shield the little boy.

"Hey." you hear a voice amidst the revelry.

You peek up at a reflective surface and see the monster frozen in his place.

"I've seen you before. You sure get into a lot of trouble." the obvious hero looks down at you.

"Hey! You're that hero guy." you recognize him.

"Yep. I'm Saitama, the hero for fun." he introduces himself.

"You're in my way, punk." the monster resumes his attack.

A shock wave from a single punch sends you and the little boy flying into the pond.

~ A few moments later ~

Letting out a huge gasp of air you remove the hair from your face and see bits of the unruly monster scattered around the park.

"You all right?" you see Saitama holding out his hand as you crawl up to the edge of the pond dam.

"Thanks. If it weren't for you that kid and I would be toast -- Hey! Where's the kid?!" you look around frantically, noticing him gone.

Saitama points to the other end of the pond.

You see the little boy soaking wet as he cries for his mother.

"Phew." you sigh relieved.

"What were you doing picking a fight with a thirty foot man eating monster?" he asks you.

"I wasn't picking a fight." you turn to face him. "I was just out for a walk." you explain.

"Oh. Why were you walking through the park after midnight?"

"Why are you out after midnight?" you retort.

"Good point. Well, good bye." he turns to walk away.

"Wait, you can't just leave me here." you block his way.

"I can't?"

"What if another monster comes? Plus, I'm soaked, I could catch my death of cold."

"All right, you can come with me." he picks you up.

"Hey! What're you doing?" you pull away slightly.

"You said you didn't want to catch a cold."

"Yeah, but I never said I couldn't walk." you blush faintly.

"Trust me, this way's much faster." he took a running stance.

"Oh, boy." you wrap your arms tightly around Saitama's neck, expecting a jolting ride.

One lightning fast, dust filled dash later. "Here we are" he said standing in front of his home.

*Cough * cough *

"Oops. Sorry. Let's head inside. You can rest up a bit while your clothes dry." Saotama offers.

"That sounds great." you say wringing out your hair, still in Saitama's arms.

~ Inside Saitama's Apartment ~

"This is it. Home sweet home." he lets you down gently.

"Kinda small." you comment.

"Works for me. Dryers that way." he points you in the direction.

"Great." you remove everything except for your undergarments.

"I guess it's a slumber party." Saitama follows your lead and exchanges his hero garb for a pair of pajamas.

"Sounds like fun." you joke as you toss your clothes into the dryer.

"You want some milk before bed?" he offers.

"Sure. That always helps me get to sleep." you say sitting down.

Saitama hands you a glass and sits down next to you.

That's when you make your move.

Vigorously, you begin rubbing his entire head.

"Uh, What're you doing?" Saitama asks mid sip.

"You're going to think this sounds silly," you pause to look at him, "I've never met a real balled person before." you resume your rubbing.

"Hmm." was all you heard from him.

That's when you notice him noticing your very exposed chest.

"Eep." you squeal as you try to cover yourself. "You must think me so uncouth." you blush brightly.

"Don't worry about it." he says removing his pajama top and giving it to you.

"Oh, my gosh, that is so nice. My hero again." you jaunt as you put it on.

"No problem." he slurps his drink.

"I guess I better see if my clothes are ready." you clear your throat, perhaps a little embarrassed.

"Okay." he says with no physiological expression.

After an awkward few moments of silence you get up and head to the utility closet with the stacked washer and dryer.

As you bend down to check your laundry you feel a cupped hand on your bottom.

You quickly turn on you heels and let loose a monster punch.

"Huh?" you look down at Saitama, your hand smoking.

"Nice right hook you have there." Saitama complements you, lying on his back.

"Serves you right. Sneaking up on a lady like that." you say, shaking the smoke from your hand. "If you wanted my attention you should've just told me." you wink as you straddle him.

"Oh, boy." Saitama began to sweat.

~Fin ~

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