Fred Weasley x Reader- Rain

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I loved rain.

And Fred Weasley.

But mostly rain.

It was just so nice. The feeling you go when the first drop of water hit you. The smell of the earth after a storm. It gave me happiness, it gave me life.

One day, I was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, playing Exploding Snap with Fred.

I was about to win, when the cards suddenly exploded in our faces.

There was silence for a moment, and then Fred laughed and said, "Well, they don't call it Exploding Snap for nothing, (Y/n)."

I laughed as well. "I think 'Mione told me a couple minutes ago that it was raining outside. Want to come with me?"

"Well, I couldn't possibly say no to you," he says, getting up. And extending his hand. "Shall we, m'ilady?"

I giggled. "Of course." I took his hand and he pulled me up easily.


Sure enough, it was raining. I twirled in the rain, taking in the smell of the earth and feeling the drops of water touch my fingertips. Fred chuckled.

I flopped down on the ground and felt rain tickle my face as I did so. I closer my eyes and took a deep breath.

I felt Fred flop down next to me. "You look like Snow White," he said, and I could feel his smile.

"That Muggle princess?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"Not just any Muggle princess, but the most beautiful one," he says, brushing his hand along the side of my face.

"I'm not beautiful, Fred."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are, (Y/n). Stop lying to yourself."

"I'm not beautiful. Can we just get over it?" I asked, frustrated.

"No, love, we can't," he said, and then I felt someone's warm, soft lips on mine, lasting for a second before drawing back.

I opened my eyes. I stared into the light sapphire eyes of none other than Fred Weasley.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm head over heels for you, (Y/n)." He says, smiling at me.

"You love me?"

"Duh," he said, kissing me again. I loop my arms around his thin waist and he smiles against the kiss, making me smile.

He gets up and extends a hand. "Shall we, love?"

"Of course," I say, grinning. We walk hand in hand towards the castle, neither of us noticing that we were soaking wet.

(A/N) What did you guys think of this one? Sorry it's a wee bit shorter than the others.

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