Chapter Two

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I looked at Lenard in his eyes, asking him for approval. After all I just came back, and he just got me back, he just..... gosh, I don't know anymore....

He nodded his head. Approving of me to go. I walked over to him from behind and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Are you sure? I just came back, you just got me back." I whispered in his ear. "It wouldn't be fair to your sister." Was all he said. I then kissed his neck, "I love you." I told him. He smiled at the thought. "I love you too." He said.

"Hey Snart, you can come with, Mick too." Barry said. I took my arms off Len. "I'm a criminal Barry. Why would you want me hanging around." He said. "Because your fiancé loves you, and I think the others would be surprised to see you." Barry said. "You sure?" Len asked. Barry nodded.

     "Alrighty Mick. Let's get this show on the road." Len tilted his head side ways. "If I'm comin, then I'm bringin this." Mick said as he held up his fire laser gun. Barry crossed his arms. "What?" Mick asks. "I can't defend my self?" He continues.

Barry roles his eyes and we head out the door and we get tickets to go on the train. Barry suggests Len changes his name so he doesn't get caught. Lenny agrees, as does Mick.

We soon boarded the train and I sit on Lenard's lap. "You ok?" I ask him. "Hmm?" He looks up at me. "You've been staring out into space a lot. You seem, a little off that's all." I said.

He sighs. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Echo." He said as he leaned his head back on the wall. I placed my hand on his cheek. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked over to the right, and I followed his gaze. His father. How did he break out? He was in prison! Worry starts to build inside of me. When Len was little his father used to beat him, and he let him get away with it.

"Stay calm. I assure you he doesn't even know that your on this train." I said. Then we watched him get up, he was making his way toward us. "Hello son." He cracked his neck. "What do you want?" Lenard said. "No, I don't want anything from you. Hun, I want her." He pointed at me. I glared at him. Lenard was still holding me around my waist. "Your not going to get her. I won't let it happen." He said. "You see, she is a very useful chess piece son." He said.

"Here let's make a deal." He said. Lenard looked at me. "Let's battle, if you loose, I get to keep you, and if you win, then Your free." His father stated. "Fine." I cracked my knuckles. Lenard gave me an don't do this look, I love you type I look. "I love you to." I whisper so only he could hear me.

I got off of Len's lap. "Eve, what are you doing? Why is, how?" Barry was extremely confused. I glanced at Lenard telling him to explain it to Barry.

"Stop the bus!" Barry yelled. "I can't it's my job." The bus driver yelled back. "It's your job to protect the people on your bus, so stop the bus and let everyone get off. I'm afraid there is going to be a fight sir." Barry explained.

"Let's do this." I said. "What do you think your going to be able to do kid?" He asked me. "League of Assassins, level 9." I said as I cracked my neck. He crackled. "A student of Ra's Ah'l Ghoul. How wonderful." He replied. At this point everyone ran off the bus, except for maybe three people. Who wants to watch.

Lenard's dad kicked me in the stomach and I flew against the other side of the bus. I got up and wiped my pants. I ran and jumped, and stomped on his stomach. My foot holding him down, My leg was so strong he could barely get me off him, but he did and punched me, I punched him back. We did this for about an hour, until I became tired, and I fell, I could hear Len's father laugh.

He injected me with something, and then, I passed out.


     "Barry we have to do something!" I yelled. The bus driver managed to drive us to S.T.A.R Labs. My father captured Eve. "Relax, Snart. We will get her back. Now I gotta figure out how we are going to tell Caitlyn this. I mean she just found out about her powers, and" I stopped his sentence. "Wait Caitlyn has powers?" I ask. "Yes. Ice cold frozen ice magic. But don't tell her I told you." Barry said. I nodded. I'm good at keeping a secret.

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