Enoch X reader

141 9 4

It was a beautiful day at the house (like always), you were sitting by your self under a large Burch tree. It was only your first week here, and you were still trying to make friends.
You started playing with your peculiarity(you are like rubber, and can bend with ease)
"Miss peregrines looking for you,  you know" you look up to see Enoch talking
"Ugh, what did I do now!?!?"
"Um,  nothing she just wants to see how your first week went" Enoch looked uncomfortable
I reply sarcasticly "Just dandy"
Well huh, I thinks she needs to hear it from you.."
"I'm sorry I snapped at you "  I say, on the verge of tears " I guess I'll just be a sore thumb here all my freakishly long life!"

Enoch sits next to you
" Now why on earth would you say that, (Y/N)"he puts an arm around your shoulders, You blush and he notices. You turn away

"You don't need to be shy, (Y/N)"he laughs a little. "I thinks it's kinda....Cute"He blushes too and you giggle. "Thanks, I kinda needed that right now" you reply
"Now, you better go to miss peregrine before she comes after you" he says In a jokingly tone. "

You both stand up, you gaze into his hazel eyes. "Thanks again, Enoch "
I turn away, then turn back quickly, Kiss his cheek, and run off without a word.

"O-ok then....See you at Dinner " he calls after me. He walks around in a daze, grinning like a fool. You get inside when you here a shout


You keep walking and giggle a bit
                        THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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