Chapter 1

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Chilly autumn day. You just got done with you job (you were working at a little coffee shop). Living the dream work sleep repeat. You decided to walk a different way home. Almost immediately a slice of blue caught your eye. A tall lanky boy with bright blue hair.You always had a thing for tall skinny guys. He must have felt you staring because he turned his head a bit. Which allowed you to see one off his eyes. All black. His eye was all black. Oh god how you wanted to say something to him anything! The blue haired boy walked into a little shop on the corner. It sold like records and other edgy stuff like that. His Convers all worn and his ripped skinny jeans he is so cute. "Um love are you following me" He asks. You freeze and hide behind the shelf. "I still see you" he giggles. You walk out so he can see you fully. His face grow red and so does yours. "Sorry" you mutter. You finally have the perfect view of him. He looks over 6 foot in mid to late 20's. "It's all right" he mumbled tilting his head down. "(Y/N)" you say putting your hand out. "Stu...Stu friends call me 2D" he stutters a bit. 2D that sounded so familiar. "Do I know you" you asked. He chuckled a bit. "I'm in a band...Gorillaz" he replied. "Oh my god I in love with you my teen years" you laugh a bit. "Yea I get that a lot" 2D mutters. You stand there not talking until. "Do you want to get something to eat" he asks. It's 11:30PM but you nod yes. He starts walking so you follow. 2D has brought you to a bar....very romantic. He held the door open. You slid into the retro feeling bar. 2D sits down with you at the bar. "So love i'm guessing you know a lot about me" he says. You nod yes to shy to talk. "Come on love it ok tell me about yourself" 2D says. Your face flaming red. He grabs your hand. "Love your ok" he says. You give a breath of relief. 2D orders a few shoots. "Losing up (Y/N)" he almost demands. 3 shots later you're a mess. "So tell me about yourself" 2D giggles. "Well i'm (Y/N) and used to be so obsessed with you" You ramble on. "Oh really" 2D asks. "Oh yea like I had a huge fan page and a few posters of you...well it was more like a shrine" you reply. "Oh my" he laughs. "It was a weird time sorry" you mutter. "I think it's kinda cute" 2D says. You began staring off into those big black eyes. You lean in for a kiss but 2D stops you. "Your drunk" he says. The room grows dark and you pass out. 

Vote and comment if I should keep writing 

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