Chapter 5- The After Math

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Your POV

I slowly and silently closed the door as he left, and I sighed a sigh of relief. It felt really good to get that out of my system. I haven't really opened up to anyone, and now all of a sudden I'm telling all this to someone I just met.

Realizing what just happened, I let out a squeak as my face turned pink. I slid down the side of my door and sat on the ground. Castiel with his little silver bell, trotted over to me and rubbed on my leg. I smiled softly as my hand reached out for his tiny head. He leaned forward in acceptance and I came in contact with his soft, chocolate fur. Castiel was never overly friendly, but I guess seeing someone else in the house flustered him as well. Cass was a great cat.

I sighed to myself and stood up, as I walked into the kitchen. I had to find something to eat. I didn't feel like eating a full meal, so I had some of the lemon bars I made. With the bar hanging from my mouth, I picked up Castiel with both hands and lifted him up. He curled into my arms and purred. I giggled as I set him down on the bed and he had a look of sadness and dismay.

"I'm just gonna go take a shower, relax Cass." I spoke, giggles attached to almost every word. I moved quickly into my bathroom before Cass followed me, and got in the shower. I quickly washed up as I stepped out and changed into my (f/c) PJ's with cookie cats on them. I approached my bedroom as I saw Cass sleeping on the foot of my bed. I got under the soft, red blanket normally used for winter time, and I grabbed Cass to come sleep with me. The fireball yawned and placed his tiny paws onto the blanket.

"Goodnight Cass" I whispered as I drifted off to sleep.

Kenma POV

As I herd the door shut behind me, by face blew up in a bright pink colour. This girl was getting cutter by the minute and I couldn't figure out why. The magnificent (E/C) Orbs dripping liquid silver stood out against her (H/C) hair. Her (skin colour) made her look so soft and fragile, but I knew she was very strong. I sighed, I was never like this. I've never taken an interest in anyone like this besides Shoyo and Kuroo. I don't understand it. I ran my hand through my pudding hair as I stepped outside. I saw my moms car waiting for me. I got into the car and I drove back home.

~Time skip brought to you by The Slytherin House~

Once I got home. I smiled to myself as I made my way up into my room. I decided to skip dinner, seeing as I wasn't hungry. I took my PSP out of my gym bag, and my phone as well. I noticed that my gym clothes were gone, and remembered that (F/n) wanted to wash them. She didn't have to, yet she wanted to anyways, and I wondered why. She acted innocent but tough when she needed to. It's amazing. I didn't even bother changing out of my school uniform, as I was too tired to do so. I didn't even want to pick up my PSP, which was quite a shocking discovery. I lay there on my bed, staring at my ceiling, wondering what might she do tomorrow? And I fell asleep without another thought.

Once again, me not being on time. Sorry about that haha. I'm going to try and update more, but finals are coming up and such so I'll do the best I can. I've got most of my studying out of the way so look forward to more. ~Author-Kun

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