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Optimus Prime's p.o.v

I woke up with my body feeling way different. "What had happened"? I questioned myself. "Well Optimus you joined us the Autobots has left you for scrap". Megatron seethed walking up behind me. "No your lying". I cough out then stand up. "Am I"? He smiled with his pointy teeth. "You can't be telling the truth". I growled and pushed him against the wall and punching him without me ever knowing. "Knockout the grey energon is not working how I had expected"! Megatron roared. But I knocked him out cold and growled soon my body took over and I was shoved behind somewhere in my mind and I had to watch as I killed many Decepticons I tried to overcome my body but it was not working. I then manned the ground bridge and ran threw to the unknown place. But when I entered the bridge and walked out the other end I gasped I was in Jasper Nevada right down the road of base and I watched on the side lines as my body transformed and went off to base and the door opened I went threw the tunnels right into base and everybody starred at me then I transformed.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I watched as Optimus transformed I looked at his eyes and saw they were a dull grey but they flickered blue once. "Stay back"! I yelled and everybody looked at me curiously. "That's not Optimus his optics are grey". I said back and watched as everybody looked at Optimus then started to scoot back. "O-Optimus I know you are in there somewhere....I need you to fight this thing right now". I said trying to mess with his head. "Fight what...old friend"? He said taking out his sword and the other stayed his servo. "Optimus don't play that card". Bulkhead said taking out his weapon. (No...dad snap out of it). Bumblebee said walking in front of us. "Bumblebee get back". I warned but he didn't listen. Then all of a sudden Optimus lunged at Bumblebee and took him to the ground. "BUMBLEBEE"! We yelled. "Get Optimus off of him"! Arcee ordered as we tried to get him off all he had to do was knock us and we were down all of us.

Smokescreen's p.o.v

"Bee"! I yelled when Optimus ripped his right door wing off and he shrieked out and he did the hardest thing that anyone could bear...he took out his blasters and started shooting at Optimus. Optimus soon got off of him and stumbled back and drove out of base. "Bee..stay awake". I was the first one to Bumblebee and I had to keep him awake cause I was the first to recover. "Ratchet"! I yelled and he ran over finally regaining his balance. "Smokescreen get Bumblebee's door wing". Ratchet said picking up Bumblebee and setting him down on the berth. I got Bumblebee's door wing and set it on the operating table and backed up so Ratchet could work. "Smokescreen...you okay"? Bulkhead asked I looked at him and shuddered and looked down. "I watched him right there loose energon...we barely have enough...and with Optimus gone we don't know battle as much". I said and walked away.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I flickered on my optics hearing a total different voice than is usually around but I soon noticed it (WheelJack)? I asked turning my optics on totally then it went quiet and I had WheelJack's face in mine. "Hey kid....I heard about the incident and...your dad". He finished with a smirk. (At least I don't have to fill you in). I beeped but then when I tried to stand I started to fall but WheelJack caught me. "Easy there kiddo you gotta keep your balance". He said and got me back on my peds. (Thanks Jackie). I whirred and felt my wings and made sure that they were both there. (Where are the others)? I whirred and beeped and rotated my optics. "They had found an energon signal the kids told me but the others don't know I'm here". WheelJack said looking at his swords then to me. (Why did they all leave)? I whirred and buzzed. "Arcee said that they were gonna need as much people as possible since there were two off of the field". Miko yelled over her video game that her and Jack were playing apparently Raf was sick. "Ya that". WheelJack smirked and put his swords back. (I just want my dad to be his old self). I beeped sadly and my wings dropped. "He'll be fine kid...he's a prime". WheelJack said but then went wide eyed. "Wouldn't that mean that....you would be a Prime"? He asked and I nodded. "Dang you all grow up to fast". WheelJack chuckled. "Who's managing the bridge"? WheelJack asked the kids. "Jack is...Raf showed him a while back how too". Miko said not looking away from the game. Then there was a beeping sound. Jack ran off the couch and opened the bridge. The bridge whirled green and Team Prime came threw then it closed after everybody was in. Then all of a sudden they pointed their guns at WheelJack. (Whoa its Jackie). I buzzed stepping in front of him. They sighed and put down their weapons then they sat down there energon cubes from their mission. "Sorry WheelJack were still a bit jumpy". Smoky said. "JACKIE"! Bulkhead yelled and pulled WheelJack into a big hug. (I need a drive). I whirred and beeped. "You sure"? Ratchet asked. And I only nodded. (I need my processor cleared). I buzzed and beeped. Ratchet nodded and let me transform. I then went out of base then it had started to rain. (At least it will cool me down). I beeped to no one. I drove for about fifteen minutes. But all of a sudden the ground started to shake and I watched the ground crack behind me but this was grey and purple lava underneath. :.:Bumblebee..to base their is an earthquake it looks like it has something to do with Unicron:.: I said then they answered. :.: Bumblebee get back to base your right the..gr..o.n ..:.: Ratchet was saying but then it went to static then when I was starting to turn around the ground fell in underneath me and I transformed and clung to the edge and tried to pull myself up. "Well isn't it the yellow bug". A gruff voice said and I saw (DAD)! I buzzed. "Dad...who are you calling Dad bug"? He chuckled and stepped on my servo and I fell down heading toward the lava but then I caught onto a ledge and saw a cave so I went there but what I saw on the other side shocked me.

Ratchet's p.o.v

"No BUMBLEBEE ANSWER"! I yelled and slammed my balled up servos on the sides of the control panel. "Ratchet Bumblebee mig-". Somebody was saying but I cut them off. "OPTIMUS AND UNICRON ARE KILLING THIS PLANET...they have killed Bumblebee too"! I yelled and everybody went wide eyed. "His signal went offline". I chocked before letting a tear of coolant drop down my faceplate. "Ratchet...are you sure"? Smokescreen asked looking horrified. "I'm sorry Smokescreen...everyone..but it's true his signal is offline". I whispered and I heard Miko crying. "What are we gonna tell R-Raf"? Miko chocked on her snobs then cried more into Jack's chest. "We will have to t-tell him the truth". Arcee stuttered looking down. "I lost three partners now I'm the worst partner ever". Arcee shuddered. "Arcee no your not....I'm still here". Jack said trying to get her to calm down and it worked a little. "We..we still have to get Optimus back...it wouldn't be a funeral without Bee's father". Bulkhead said looking down. "Agreed". I said and thought about how Optimus would react. Then when Optimus came threw the tunnels got ready to fight. If what we saw was the real Optimus. "Ratchet please hurry I need energon it helps"! Optimus said grabbing at his head. I ran and grabbed the nearest needle and energon cube and sucked some energon into it and stuck it into Optimus's energon line near his spark. Optimus stopped for a minute then he looked at me and I looked straight into his optics they were there original blue. "We've all missed you Optimus". I said with a sigh of relief. "Where is Bumblebee..I-I need to apologize"? Optimus asked looking around but did not see him. "H-he...his signal went offline..twenty minutes ago". I said and looked at him and he looked spark broken and he stumbled back. "Optimus you need to sit down...it's gonna be a lot to take in". I said mad sat him down slowly on a berth. "Optimus I'm sorry". I said and was about to say something else but he beat me to it. "It's my fault Ratchet". He said and put his head in his servos. "What do you mean Optimus it's not yo-". I was sawing but Optimus got it first. "When I was still being controlled...I stepped on his servo and he fell..into the lava". He finished and I watched as he leaked coolant. "Prime sir...Bumblebee knew that you would never do something like that he knew that you would give your life for him". Arcee said kneeling in front of the prime. "She's right". WheelJack said. "We will have a funeral tomorrow today I think everyone needs rest". Optimus said standing up but not wanting to look anyone in the optic. He then walked into his berth room. We looked at each other but did not say anything and walked to our berth rooms too to try and get some recharge.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I was walking threw tunnels after tunnel and finally made it to the top I looked to see I was in a dark forest and found out who's tunnels though's were. "Well if it isn't the bug...Arcee's new partner". Arachnid said behind me and I whipped around and aimed my blasters at her. (Try me). I whirred and glared rotating my optics furiously. "Oh bug calm down I don't want to hurt you...yet". She said and walked around me and let one of her spider legs go around my chassis and chin. "You are on handsome and muscular mech...in surprised Arcee hasn't tried anything with you like you haven't her bug". Arachnid smiled darkly. (I wouldn't try anything with her...unless she tried first). I beeped back and kept my blasters on her. "So you do have feelings for you team's femme". Arachnid laughed and disappeared. (Enough of that I have confessed my feelings for Arcee...doesn't mean I'm gonna give you anything else). I growled with a angry whirl. "Well you don't have to handsome...you would make a nice sire...and my mate". Arachnid said the hopped down on me and smiled as she lightly touched my chassis I shook at the touch then kicked her off and pinned her down. "Trying to get rough"? She asked with an eyebrow raised. I punched her and knocked her out cold. Stupid femme. (Like I would ever mate with something like that). I shuddered at that terrible and horrible thought. So I grabbed Arachnid and went onto her ship and made a ground bridge but it would only transport a couple of miles form here. (That'll take her about two months). I beeped and threw her through the bridge. I looked around and thought about what I could do now I sighed and thought about Optimus and everything that had happened. I can take refuge here until I get this bridge working good enough to where I can transport all the way to base which I hope won't take long. (I need to get back home as soon as possible). I whirred and saw a berth. (Why not)? I buzzed and lay down.

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