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Briana's P.O.V

Last night I didn't fall asleep until a quarter after 2:00 am. Louis didn't call or even text me like he said. I was starting to think this was just a horrible joke or that maybe he had rethinked the whole thing and thought that it was a bad idea to call a fan.

At this point it was already 3:00 pm and my shift at Starbucks was in an hour. I got up and  took a 20 minute shower and thought over my previous actions last night. What had I done wrong? Did I come off as a stalker? Should I have just not have Tweeted at all?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my phone ringing. A shot of hope went through my body when I relised it could be Louis Tomlinson calling me , but when I picked my phone up, I was disappointed to see it was just my dad calling me.

I picked up the phone and quickly pushed decline. I knew that when ever he actually called me it was because he just wanted to see if I had picked a career yet or if I had finally found someone that I could spend the rest of my life with. I didn't want my day to be ruined anymore so I just ignored the call and finished getting ready for the part of the day I dreaded the most. Once I finally looked presentable for work I went outside to my Range Rover  and started on my way to work. 


It was 8:00 when I got home. My shift was thankfully cut sort because my boss could tell I wasn't fully myself today.

Its not that I don't like my job at Starbucks, were I could be around coffee for 5 hours Saturday-Thursday. I just didn't like the customers. I mean after you have had a bad morning to start off your day and the occasional phone calls from your dad or your mom about personal things, you don't want to got to a place were people would do anything to get caffeine into their system.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started going off. I was about to press ignore, thinking it was my mom or day, when the caller I.D. read "UNKNOWN". This was unusual because I never got calls from unknown numbers, but I pressed answer any way.

And I was glad I did.

"Hello is this @Brianaisinpayne from twitter?"

I was really confused but I answered anyway" Yes it is, but may I ask who this is ?"

" This is Louis Tomlinson , I got your number and I wanted to call and talk to you about the concert this Saturday in London"

I was so shocked I dropped my phone in total excitement. I couldn't believe he actually called me. Louis Tomlinson actually took time out of his day to call me.

I finally picked up my phone to respond " OMG!!! you actually called me"

"Ya, is that ok or-"

"yes its totally fine that you called me"

"Ok, so about the concert this Saturday , I was wondering if you would like to accompany me backstage?"

" Yes a million times yes !!!.....Oh wait, what time does your concert start?"

"At 7:00, why? Is something wrong?"

"I cant go, Sadly I have to work from 4:00-9:00"

I was so bumbed out , because I knew that I needed to work or I wouldn't have over a $20 paycheck this month. After a couple of minutes of silence on Louis' end of the line, he finally responded

" Well we get to London on Friday, and , well if you have that day off, then I was wondering if maybe you would like to spend the day with me ? if not that is totally fine, I would understand."

" Well Friday is actually my only day off , so I would gladly spend the whole day with you "

" Really you would?"

"of course, I mean who wouldn't want to spend the day with you"

"Ok so ill pick you up around 8 am Friday "

"Ok and I will text you my address "

"Ok nice talking to you, Briana"

"Nice talking to you too, Louis" 

and with that, I heard the line go dead. I quickly sent Louis my address because I knew I would forget later. After a few moments of thinking I finally relised what I just did...

I was going on a date with Louis Tomlinson


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Please vote/comment if you liked it maybe even message me with what you might want to happen in the next chapter, and I might even put it in .

Ashley <3

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