"Oh yes. Stupid me. Well I have no other suggestions. I guess it's up to you to decide now." I say looking up at him.

"Shall we head to Lake Oakfield? It looks pretty at night. We could get pizza on the way and have a sort of picnic."

"Sure! That sounds nice."

As we start walking, he holds my hand and slowly intertwines his fingers with mine. I hope my palms are not sweaty.

As we turn around the corner we find a Pizza Hut outlet. We go in and order take-away. I ask for a Double cheese Margherita and Nick asks for a Mixed Veggie. As I take out my purse to pay, he stops me and says he'll pay. I don't try arguing. I need money for the bus ride home.

15 minutes later we're standing on the banks of The Oakfield Lake, admiring its beauty. This lake is one of the very few that haven't been polluted by homo sapiens. The moonlight is glistening off the waters, and there doesn't seem to be anybody else other than us, which makes for a very romantic setting. We head to the bench under the park-lamp and start eating our pizzas.

"So, Glasses, tell me something about you I wouldn't know."

Well, first of all I don't like being called Glasses. But I don't tell him that.

"I'm not exactly sure what you do know about me, so let me just say something random. Ummm, I'm terrified of heights. It's called Acrophobia. I first discovered this fear when I was 8 and we went trekking. That was a bad experience. What about you? What are you most afraid of?"

"Naah. I don't think I'm afraid of anything." He says smirking.

"Oh c'mon. That's not possible. There must be something." I prod.

"Well I guess there is one thing. This might sound a little cheesy. But I'm afraid of never finding the one. I'm afraid she'll just pass by me, and I would never realise it. What is your take? Do you think it is possible to know at first sight whether this person is your soulmate or not, or does it take time?"

"Well.....I think it takes time. Love is not supposed to be rushed. We should give time for the feelings to develop and take a solid form before we decide to act on them. Nothing good ever came out of haste."

"This sounds like you're calling me out for rushing you to hang out with me today." He says grinning at me.

"Haha....no, I didn't mean that. In fact I'm happy I agreed to go out with you today. I'm actually enjoying myself." I admit.

"I'm glad. Well it looks like we're done with our pizzas, what do you say we take a walk around the lake and then head home?"

"Ok sure!"

We throw away the empty boxes and start walking around the lake admiring how calm it is. Usually in the mornings, this place is pretty crowded with people of all age groups coming here for their own recreational or health purposes. Now there's not a single soul in sight. As we continue with our chit-chat, Nick suddenly stops and looks at me.

"Do you think we have a future together Emma?"

I'm a little taken aback by the suddenness of the question. Just a minute ago we were talking about our favourite ice-creams and now the atmosphere's become serious.

"Well, I don't know what to say. I know this is not just time-pass, but don't you think it's a little too early to think about all this?" I ask him, biting my lower lip.

"Yeah, I guess it is. Sorry I suddenly sprang that on you."

We walk for another 20 mins, finishing one round around the lake. It's almost 10.30, and though I don't have a curfew I want to be back home before 11.

"I guess I need to get going, I don't wanna go home too late."

"Okay I'll walk you to the bus stop. Again I'm so sorry I can't drop you. I really didn't expect my car to break down like that."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." I say patting his arm.

As we walk to the bus stop, he asks me questions about our History project, the biggest one so far. It accounts for almost 30% of our marks and includes a lot of heavy work. Each one of us were assigned different topics so that we wouldn't just copy it off. I am already half-way through mine, but Nick tells me he hasn't even started. Though I feel concerned, he seems pretty sure that he'll be able to complete it on time.

At the bus-stop, the last bus leaving is the one I need to take, so I quickly jump on. I turn around to tell Nick goodbye.

"Bye Nick. I had a really amazing time tonight. Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine." He says and leans slightly forward. He plants a soft kiss on my lips and pulls back gently. I am really surprised and don't what to do. I just stare at him, mutter a goodbye and run to my seat.

All along the way home, I keep thinking about how soft his lips felt against mine, how his eyes looked at me so lovingly and how he treated me so well tonight. Yes, I think Nick and I do have a future.

(A/N : Hey guys!! I'm so happy you all haven't given up on this book ;) Haha, no but for real, thank you so much for all the love and support you've shown to this book. What do you guys think about Nick? How do you think the story is going to turn out? Let me know in the comments!

P.S : There is one more part to this story and an epilogue.)

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