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Mongo POV
I can feel, I can feel myself waking up.

I'm finally being born. I can feel myself pressing up against my egg shell.

I'm trying to break free, but, but I couldn't.

Why can't I breakthrough? Why, I always felt strong when I was developing. Why am I trapped, please I want out.

Please I don't want to be trapped in here. I'll die if I do, please, I want to live, I want to see my parents, I want, I want, FREEDOM!

I felt my hands change, my fingers disappeared and my hand felt flat and there were bulges too.

I instinctively pointed towards my egg shell and shot some sort of thing towards it.

At that moment my egg shell finally broke. I was finally free from my prison.

I struggled to get out, I actually fell on my mother's foot. As to how I knew she was my mother, I just felt it.

I started crying for no reason. I was then picked up by my parents who cleaned the egg stuff off of my eyes so I could see.

"Look honey, our fourth born, and he's quite peculiar" I heard a voice say.

"I know, but I bet he'll grow up to be big and strong someday" I heard another voice say.

I was finally able to see, I looked up at my parents. I saw two brown scaly faces. I looked at my own hands and saw that I... was not brown, I was in fact green. Dark green to be exact, and they had silvery shells on the knuckle behind each of my fingers.

I looked at my other three siblings who were born before, they all looked like our parents. I then looked at the rest who hatched after me, they also looked like mom and dad.

My parents then put me on the ground so I could stand up. I was actually better at it then my older siblings.

I then saw my reflection in a puddle of my embryonic sack. Compared to my family, I looked different, I found it cool, but also scary.

"What should we call him Honey?" My mom asked dad. "Well since our first born were named Sue Dew and Hue which sound similar to the beginning of the word Humongous, how about Mongo" he said.

"He's already walking for a hatchling, I knew he'd grow to be strong" mom said picking me up.

"You hear that Mongo, your going to grow big and strong" she said.

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