Calm down Ponyboy

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"Earth to Ponyboy," Soda says, while waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry Soda, what where you saying?" I ask, slapping his hand away from my face to see the whole gang staring at me.

"You've been in your own small world all night. You okay, Little Buddy?" Darry asks me as I finally start to eat my supper.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"I bet it's a girl." Two-bit say's poking me in the shoulder. I look away and feel my face get hot. The gang burst into laughter. "Yep, it's a girl," Two-bit say's cocking an eyebrow.

"C'mon, Ponyboy, spill," Soda say's expectantly. I start putting away dishes to avoid the subject. The gang let it go for now, but I know they'll bring it up again, and when they do there will be no avoiding the subject. I just can't seem to get her outta my head.

Calm down Ponyboy you only met her today and she probably thinks your creepy 'cause you're always staring at her, not to mention, she's a Soc.

I could never get a classy girl like Kristen. She's not like any Soc I've ever met before, Cherry included. She's just so perfect. "Bed, Ponyboy, now," Darry says, as Dally, Steve, Johnny, and Two-bit leave. I look and see that Soda is already getting in bed, then I realize I haven't done nothing since supper, just sitting in the arm chair, thinking.

Guess I could use some sleep, maybe it'll help me calm down.

Ponyboy Curtis Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ