Chapter 1

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"Italian" (Google Translate btw)


Well I died again. That's nice.


Seamlessly, it felt odd floating (or was I?) around in this dark abyss. That woman, what was her name again? Arthur? Ether? Something like that I guess.

It wasn't until a horrible disturbance hit me, it felt so cold. This was a second chance, right? Like Erebus and 'Ether' said?

In my previous life, I used to believe reincarnation and second chances weren't real. Reincarnation seems like a stretch, being born again and again doesn't seem exciting. Getting through all those things you know already and just throwing it away like it's nothing? I would do something like that but that is if something horrible happened in my previous life than it would be better to forget all those memories. Second chances weren't all that important to me. In school, no teacher would give my classmates and myself a second chance. They would just take away any free time we liked and assign pop-quizzes to us if they want to watch our own misery.

Voices interrupted my thoughts as another cold disturbance flew past me and it wasn't until big arms wrapped me around in blankets as they carried me. A shriek escaped my lips before I could stop myself. Was I crying?!

And why the hell was I so small? Could it be..? Oh hell no-!

"Complimenti! Si tratta di una bambina!" Even if I didn't even understand a word, my weak body reacted to the light shining upon me.

I am a baby! I thought in pitiful horror. Thankfully, I was born the same gender. If I was born the opposite then it would be a very bad problem.

But still...

What the hell happened to me! I screamed to myself. The stupid God and 'Ether' said a second chance. Not a reincarnation second chance! I thought I would be put into a random body and do it from there, not this!

"Cosa ti piacerebbe chiamarla?" The voice (whom I have expected to be the doctor) asked softly giving me to the person who gave birth to me, my mother.

Once I was placed in my(?) mother's arms, warmth quickly radiated from her body to me. It felt... Nice. Not too hot, not too warm either. Just... Warm. Loving arms held her in place, a warm hand placed on her infant cheek.

"Niji, will be her name." answered my new mother in a lilting voice. Clearly, the language my mother, the doctor and probably mostly everyone who lives where we are, speaks is Italian. And I don't speak nor understand Italian. But wasn't Niji a japanese word (or should I say name in my case?)? From all the anime I've watched I don't recall someone, or even a song, having Niji in it somewhere.

"'Niji?'" The doctor mispronouncing the word making me cringe. "Come nella parola giapponese, arcobaleno?" the doctor's voice trembled nervously a bit. I mentally raised a brow, why was he afraid? Of what exactly?

I felt my mother's (I'll have to get used to calling her that to be honest) arms stiffen and an imaginary frown on her face. "Sí, che ne dici? E 'a causa di quel gruppo?" Her voice snapped, arms moving around me securely, protecting me.

"Non signorina," an imaginary image of the doctor waving his hands in defence appeared in my head. "lo non parlavo di quel gruppo." The doctor mumbled in response as my mother calmed down. I heard the sound of a closing door and my mother's breathing gave out in a long relieved sigh.

"Ha quasi scoperto, mio dios." My mother said quietly, holding me up like Simba. I opened my eyes, the bright light didn't bother me anymore. I looked at the window on my left, it looked like it was pouring out but now the sun peaked out of the grey clouds and a rainbow coloured parts of the sky. A small gurgle escaped my mouth, my mother caught my eyes and smiled softly. She put me down on her lap and her eyes twinkled.

"É per questo che ho chiamato te 'Niji'." She pointed at the rainbow that was beginning to fade away. Ah, now I remember. Niji meant rainbow in japanese. Was she telling me what Niji meant, or the reason she named me? Well, of course, I can obviously see the reason why she named me Niji. There's a rainbow outside from my window, and I was born after a storm. (Maybe?)

Your mother named you Niji for an entirely different reason. A voice rang out in my mind. It sounded quite familar, ringing back and forth to a male and female voice. I can mostly hear the female's voice, it was quite nice like it actually sang for me.

Black spots began to fill my vision, my mother hummed a soft tune under her breath as I begin to fall asleep. Nonono I don't want to fall asleep! What if I miss something important when I'm asleep, or maybe even not meet my father? I want to experience this new life and what it has to offer! No matter how boring it is in the beginning, it will get better! Right?

Your mother named you that because of your Father. Darkness filled my vision with one last thought wandering in my mind.

My... Father?


Translations taken directly from Google Translate. I know it isn't really accurate but it's the closest thing I can get.

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