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As I walk into school I can see the fear in Kayley's eyes. And then I see The Hater. Well, she don't scare me. I walk over to Kayley and Kara and stand with my back to The Hater. Then Lexi arrives. Along with The Haters crush. Evan Keys. Everyone can see her blush as she walks past his desk. This will be fun. My friends see the sly smirk that forms on my face. They know what I'm going to do. Flirt. Besides, me and Evan are friends so it won't matter.
"Heeeeey, Evan," I stretch out the hey to get the full affect. "Can I talk to you in private.
"Sure," he replies with a confused look on his face. We walk out to the hallway where no one can see us. "What in the world was that in there?" He whisper shouts.
"Shhhhhhhhh!" I say putting a finger over his mouth. "Were getting revenge on The Hater.(I actually say her real name.) Don't you know she's got a crush on you?"
"Wait, WHAT?" He whisper shouts again. Then a disgusted look over comes his face. "Please tell me your joking!"
"Nope. Don't your see her blush every time one of you two pass each other. But if that was a joke it would have been the best joke ever!" I say with a laugh, "but go along with my flirting. Kara and Kayley are video taping it. I wanna see how red her face gets."
"I wanna see that, too." Evan says to me and we walk back into the classroom. I walk away to tell Kara to start videoing and then I walk back to Evan.
"Heeeeey Evan," I say again in the same way. A smile appears on his lips this time.
"Heeeeeeeey Katie," he says stretching the hey out more than I do. His smile grows as he says it.
"Wanna do something tomorrow? I'm free whenever?" He says to me.
"Maybe, text you later." I tell him. I walk away after I give a cute smile and go to my girls.
"Did you get her face Kara?" I ask.
"Yep, she was redder than a baboons butt." She answers back to me. Perfect.
"Okay any reason why it seemed as if you really meant what you said to him?" Lexi ask me.
"Lexi it's called acting, try it sometimes. I gotta act all the time around people, especially when I'm trying not to kill The Hater."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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