How you realize that you are a complete whovian:)

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1 You read/write fanfictions

2 When you go to a party, you always take a banana

3 When you hear Captain Jack, you don't think Sparrow, you think Harkness

4 You know exactly what TARDIS stands for

5 You type Doctor so much it comes up in autocorrect with a capital

6 (only for non-brits) You wish you were British

7 You wish your friends would actually watch Doctor Who before criticizing it

8 You want there to be a TARDIS blue color

9 While other people are holding their breaths when you drive by a church/graveyard, you stare at the angels

10 your favourite comeback is "you're Mr. thick thickity thickface from thicktown, thickania".

11 You freak out whenever you hear someone ask 'are you my mummy?'

12 You are scared of gas masks

13 When you see fat people, you get the vinegar

14 You don't like the episode "the name of the Doctor", because they never tell you his name

15 You walk up to random people and ask what year it is

16 You really hope that aliens will invade the Earth so that the Doctor will come to save you

17 When people fart, you tell them 'would you stop farting, I'm saving the world'.

18 You wear converse because of the Doctor

19 You always count your shadows

20 JB is John Barrowman. Not Justin Bieber.


So tell me my whovians. What did you think?

:-)8 bowties are cool.

if you have any suggestions tell me in the comments! I promise, I read every one of them

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