Chapter One - Ginny's POV

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Chapter One

Ginny's POV

I wake up with a start my eyes flying open. A few sharp knocks on the window bring me out of my daze. I swing my legs gently out from under the covers. They land gently on the floor and I brush the red velvet aside and creep quietly towards the window trying not to wake the rest of the dormitory in the process.

When I get to the tiny alcove that the noise is coming from, I slide the hatch, and lift the creaking wooden edges up an inch at a time. I inhale slowly as a gust of warm and fragrant mid May breeze comes swirling through the crack at the bottom. I immediately spot Hedwig circling the upper turret. As soon as she sees me she swoops in through the now completely open window. I smile softly when Hedwig holds out her leg with a small ripped piece of parchment.

Even before I see the messy handwriting I know it is from Harry. I unroll it quickly and see four words slurred across the page, "common room, ten minutes." I jump up knowing it has already been at least five and I really want to look my best. I hurry to my trunk and pull out a pair of clean robes with a red and yellow swimsuit underneath. On my way out I double back for my wand and towel thinking I might know what Harry has in store for our Saturday morning outside.

I quickly sprint down the spiraling staircase wiping my head around to peak outside the at the quidditch pitch gleaming in the early morning sun. My legs itch from anticipation, in the rush of preparation I forgot that this afternoon Gryffindors last match would take place against Hufflepuff. In a sudden realization I look around and see I have come to a dead stop. I pick up my pace and am about to leap the last two steps when I feel a jerk underneath my arms.

Harry lifts me into the air and spins me around planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning beautiful," he says with a lopsided grin. I smile back but can sense a feeling of sadness behind his brilliant green eyes. I know it has been so tough for him after Dumbledore's death but he tries to hold it all in and sometimes I worry. He looks down questionably probably wondering why I am looking so tense. His messy jet black hair shifts slightly and his faded red scar comes into view.

Taking his hand and pulling him to the portrait hole I whisper suggestively, "I brought my swimsuit."

"I think I know what you mean," he says, beaming, "let me go and grab mine."

"Can I come?" I ask in a pleading voice, already knowing the answer,

"No," he says, "You especially know that Ron goes crazy if he sees you and me within a ten foot radius, we both know it would be better if you wait here," he says sadly but also on the verge of a smile. I flash a grin peeking my brown eyes out from under my veil of brilliant red hair. 

"Sounds great, but hurry," I respond. I know he feels bad leaving me but I understand, honestly I want to stay on my brothers good side as well.

I count in my head and it takes him less than a minute to retrieve his swim trunks. I time him in my head and when he reaches the last step I quickly jump out of view. Giggling softly I give him a minute to gain his footing when I jump out and wrap him in a full arm bear hug. "Let's go!" I practically shout. We dash to the concealed exit and climb our way through. I catch the Fat Lady's eye and mid yawn she flashes a wink my way.

Keeping our footfalls light and quiet we dash down staircase after staircase working our way through the maze of passages that lead to the front door. Luck must of been with us because when we dash around the last corner I can already feel the warm breeze and see that Filch had left the door open a crack. I slip through and give his hand a quick squeeze, our signal for all clear. He shoves his way through the gap behind me a little less graceful then preferred but I don't really mind. I take a deep breath in and spin around, absorbing the playful tickle of a sunlit morning.

I'm so intrigued by the incredible view that i don't notice his hand sneak around my back until it twirls through my hair. I sigh, then giggle turning to face him. He pulls me in for a deeper kiss now that were outside of the less private common room. I let him support me and push back enjoying this rare quiet moment. We embrace for a few more seconds, or maybe minutes, until a chirping bird makes us jump apart then laugh. I turn around to face the lake again and can't help but feel the absence of Dumbledore. For some reason the grounds have more trouble hiding my feelings then the castle walls.

I frown and he looks at me again, different now, worried. I understand, a lot of us have been dealing with depression lately, the war is getting worse and the idea of Harry leaving, even though it is inevitable, is so hard to bear. A tear slips out and I hear him whisper, "Don't cry Ginny, don't cry." So I don't, wiping my eyes I force a smile and pull him down the steps and out onto the lawn gaining speed by the minute. Laughing, I let go of his arm, sprinting ahead.

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