Chapter 41: Viewpoints

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I'm also planning something very special for her when he supposedly comes. Even if he can't, the event will still take place, but it will only be bittersweet. I will not list here what the surprise is, for Lethia may read this. And what's the point of a surprise if you ruin it in the first place?

There were many sexual actions going on between us at the house.

Lethia tried to call Art on her cell. It said the line was disconnected and that there was no use calling it. She looked very sad and stricken. She looked fragile and beat down. I could tell she really wanted her brother back.

At the moment, I am currently in the works of locating him. Starting in Mission Bend, Texas.

Also, I find myself taking glances at that note Lethia made for me long ago. I find myself connecting with it, staying in tune with its beat. I look at it and evaluate it every so often. For it is a glimpse into Lethia's naïve mind. For it is how I should act, according to her. I am doing my best to follow her guidelines. I must, I can, and I shall!

October 4

I'm not sure exactly what is going on between Lethia and I. She is in her band's hotel room. She is leaving me alone. She says we need a break from each other. I honestly don't think she understands my nature!

The guys vowed to stick together today. It was a pretty heart-warming scene.

Also, Astaroth and I had a little disagreement a couple days ago about Lethia's well-being. I showed my ugly side to him in front of Lethia. She was very angry at me for a limited time. She then found sympathy for us both and told us not to be the drivers of the car that is her life.

I then proceeded to let all my emotions out in the car drive back to the hotel. Tears were broken away from my eyes. She comforted me tenderly; it felt like home.

My confessions to her were ones she took very literally and personally. I told her that I was not as godly and strong as everyone around me perceived me to be. I think I really tried to show her a perfect side of me in the beginning. And now, she just saw a side of raw emotions. She just saw one she is not used to. I'm not sure what she is thinking, but whatever it may be, may it be pleasant.

She's probably having fun with her friends. And I am stuck here alone in this hotel room. Being alone does crazy, insane things to me. That is why I crave her touch so much. Yes, that is why!

I guess I'll get to work with my surprise for Lethia. I hope she enjoys it. I really do...


Lethia's Childhood

Trigger Warning: mild rape scene.

"Lethia, you must run," it speaks, closing in on me.

I stumble back, "W-what?" I question nervously, my palms feeling the back of my cold, dreary, pink wall.

"Lethia, you are ignorant. Go," it taunts, revealing its body to me from the shadows.

It is a creature; a creature that has been suffocated by its own creations. Those creations were walls, binding her away from her own children. She thought for many years that the best method for dealing with horrible situations was to ignore them. And ignore me she did.

I was standing before my beaten mother.

"Lethia, run before he gets you," she shrieks in my ears, beating down on her thighs to make a distressing point.

"Lethia!" a voice screams from the hallway. "C'mon! We have to go!"

Beside my mother emerges a 16-year-old boy. His name: Art Custodire Harper.

tongue of the serpent ➵ a.b.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora