
26 2 15

Tagged by IlluminaDee

1. Do you have a crush?

Nope not unless you can count actors. Then Sebastian Stan (we share the same name >^-^< )

2. Middle Name?


3. Height

Um 5'11 I think idk I'm a tol bean so

4. Shoe Size

9 or 10

5. Eye Colour


6. Last time you cried

.... When I had an anxiety attack 2 or so weeks ago

7. Biggest Fear

Not knowing - like in the dark I can't tell if somethings there or not and that scares me
Being the centre of attention and having everybody count on me (it's my Anxiety Trigger)
And Spiders. Which is not helpful for someone living in Australia...

8. Last song you listened too

Time Lapse by TheFatRat

9. Last person you texted

My good old friend TumbleIntoBooks (or ModernSteveRogers on Tumblr)

10. Favourite app

Eh idk YouTube or DeviantArt

I tag

I dunno man I'm bored Where stories live. Discover now