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"How far back am I from tenth?" "3 seconds." Chad sighs. "Man this is the reason I hate road courses."

"Keep at em Jo."

*35 to go

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I yell as I am getting into the grass. "Damn it the three must not be over last year." Chad groans.

"Gonna have to garage this." I say as I manage to get my forty-eight machine back onto the road with three flat tires and a broken track bar.

I pull into the garage and get out.

"Looks like we are done for today." Chad says putting away his tablet.

"Sorry Chad." I sigh looking down. "Not your fault. The three hit your corner panel in turn five."

I hang my head and sit down on a standing tire.

"It will be okay. Next week, we got it." Chad says patting my back. "Thanks." I sigh and pull my phone out.

From: Katie🌶

From: Katie🌶

From: Katie🌶

From: Katie🌶

She sent that 2 minutes ago, she'll be here any second.

I look up and I see a Katie decked out in Chase Elliott gear.

"Jo! Are you okay?" She asks running to me, her converse shoelace untied. "Shit." She says tripping and falling down.

"The real question is, are you okay?" I laugh helping her up. "Yeah, I'm good." She says walking over to the tires, and sits on one just like me.

"So Jo, are you okay?" She asks again. "Yes Katie. Im okay." I smile. "Hope so cause I don't want my best friend injured."

"I'm okay." I smile again. "Liar. Something's wrong. Maybe not physical, but something in that mind is hurting. Speak child." Katie says crossing her arms.

"I don't know. It probably will sound silly." "Jo, I'm calling bullshit."

"Okay, fine." I say, twisting my engagement ring. "What's Brad doing?" Katie screams. "What? Nothin!" I say to Brad's defense.

"Then why are you twisting your ring?"

"I have been thinking a lot lately about getting married." I trial off. "Jo McGuire!!!!!" Katie screeches. "You will be my maid of honor, babes." I smile and she smiles widely.

"I'm so excited have you and Brad talked about it?" Katie asks, setting her phone down on her leg.

"No. I don't know how to bring it up."
"Just come out and say it, get to the point. He won't be mad."

"Thank you Katie. I will tomorrow when we get home." "Anytime Jo. Now, I better get back to Alan before he thinks I ran away." Katie laughs.

"See ya Kat! I will for sure call you tomorrow after Brad and I talk." I wink. "You better or I will haul ass to your house." Katie laughs.

"I know you will." I smirk. She waves and walks out of the garage. I sigh loudly to myself in the empty garage.

I check the tv and it says there are 20 odd laps to go, and Carl is in the lead. Brad is in sixteenth.

I decide on heading back to the motorhome because I have to plan how I am going to bring this up to Brad.

I get to the motorhome and change into sweats and a Brad shirt.

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