Chapter 1

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Autumn arrived bringing along a whole new batch of students. Each with their own fairytale. Some good; some tragic. Among this batch walked a slender girl. She glanced around. Her bright blue eyes showed that she was waiting for someone.
"Zuni!!",came Justine running." You were late cause you were dancing your heart out,right?",said Zuni flashing a smile;A sweet one! Not as flashy as Daring!.
"Accurate as ever! Nature has truly given you great observation powers!",fluttered Justine." It's just common sense!",giggled Zuni," where is Duchess?"." You wanted to meet-ZUNI!!!",twirled Duchess towards Zuni,"you're here! Now I'm not the only one having a tragic ending!!",Duchess hugged Zuni hard.  " I'm glad you're happy! But if you *gasp* won't let me go *gasp* I might die due to shortage of breath!!",mumbled Zuni." Oh sorry!", aplogized Duchess,"let's introduce you to 'The Royals'!". The trotted down to the castelteria. Apple,Briar and Ashlynn were chatting when the three ballerinas arrived." Hi Justine! Hi! Duchess! Got a new friend along?",asked Apple in her usual heart lifting voice. Duchess ignored the sweet welcome and started," Meet my childhood friend Zuni Giselle from the story-"."Giselle!",gasped the three princesses." Why are you giving such awkward expressions?",asked Zuni confused." Don't you know your mother's story?",asked Briar trying not to freak out." Well yeah! My nanny told me the story a million times!",laughed Zuni as if she had no problems." Then you should know how your story ends!",Ashlynn jumped out." You're gonna and up as a wilie! (spirit)",continued Apple," don't tell me you're gonna rebel against your destiny?"." We can do that? I mean......really?",chirped Zuni." Well we are!",wispered Briar and Ashlynn in Zuni's ears. A smile spread on her face," I'd like to rebel!"." What did you say?",asked Apple." I said I'D LIKE TO REBEL!",said Zuni loud and clear. The whole castelteria turned quite. They knew what was coming next.
" Zuni! You can't! You're a Royal! You have to follow your destiny any how!", protested Apple.
" I don't want to! I mean would you like to become a spirit and wander in sorrow and misery? Although that would have been cool! But still,you can't make us follow your rules!!",replied Zuni thinking about Raven and how she would have answered." Everyone is the same! You're messing with what your parents passed down to you!",with tears rolling down her eyes,Apple ran away." Apple wait!",Zuni turned to run after her but Ashlynn and Briar stopped her." She'll be fine.",assured Justin,"let's go. It's time for our dance classes."
"Oh!no!not dance classes!!",froze Zuni as she was pulled along.
"Ready!?......",asked Justin watching Duchess leap gracefully.

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