Chapter 3: LEAVING

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Dear Diary, 11:05 pm

Its about 11 pm and here i sit waiting for the rest of the pack members to go to sleep. I need them all asleep before I can safely leave. If they see me leave they will punish me yet again. So here i sit all packed up; cat in his carrier and a small bag of clothes along with the little bit of money i have been able to save over the last 3 years. The plan is to take Maxwell's prize possession (his car) when i go, its the only thing i will be keeping to remember him by. I've already secretly contacted the Alpha of the Twilight Moon Pack and made arrangements to join his pack. He remembers my parents well and will do anything to honor them. Once the pack is asleep i will sneak myself and my cat out to Maxwell's Shelby and leave this territory as fast as possible cause the minute i cross pack lines Zander and Maxwell will feel my bond with the pack being broken. Enough talking about it, its time to enact my plan its 12:45 and the house is quiet its time to go.

I sneak as quietly as i can to Maxwell's Shelby and set my cat and my bag on the passenger seat and climb in. Pulling out of the garage i have to be as quiet as possible so i put the car in neutral and coast out as far as i can before starting the car. Once on the road i start it and I'm gone. After about 20 minutes i feel the bond with my pack being broken, its just a sudden sharp pain in my chest kind of like the one the night of my 16th birthday; And just like that I'm free only problem now is crossing the other packs to get to my new one. Hopefully Nathaniel has contacted the packs to let them know i would be crossing. If not there might be a problem. Some packs can be very territorial

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