how they ask you to be theirs

Start from the beginning

"Alright damn it, will you be mine officially? And the next time this happens with anyone tell them you're mine."

Cedric wasn't a very big gestured person, so the day he asked you to be his it took you by extreme surprise. He took to the top of his table for lunch as soon as you walked in and asked you. For all the school to hear.

"So that everyone knows you're mine!"

He got you a new broom, and carved

"Property of OW's girlfriend/boyfriend, Y/N"
because 1) he thought it was creative & 2) he broke yours practicing for quidditch (:

You were eating down in Hogsmead one weekend, and right towards the end he took your hand in his. He looked in the eye, kissed your hand and asked.

"You'll be mine, won't you?"

"I will."
You two then proceed to finish eating.

Theo was so extra with everything he did. So when he asked you to be his he was nothing short of. He flew into one of your classes with Blaise and Pansy (disrupting lecture) and casted fireworks that asked:
"Be Mine, Y/N."

You said yes only to make him leave faster.

Pansy gave you a simple rose, and asked after school one day. She was simple and straight the point with things like that.

Ginny had made you a pastry, and asked you when she gave it to you. She wasn't very creative but you thought it was perfect.

Fred was a man of entertainment, so when he asked you he made it a show for everyone. For breakfast one day he had set off a black cloud, and once it cleared he was standing in front of you, on your house table, with a single flower you favorited. He asked you then and you said yes immediately.

You had George for one of your classes, and as soon as lecture started you saw George walk right up to the front of the class, cleared his throat and made it known that you were to be his girlfriend/boyfriend. And you of course couldn't deny him.

Luna handed you a blank piece of parchment, a set of bright red spectacles, and asked you to look at the parchment. It quickly formed the words.

"I want to be with you."

You chuckle, take her hand and place a gentle kiss to the top of it and say.

"You are."

Neville sent a large bouquet of your favorite flowers to your dormitory with a note asking you to be his; He was romantic that way. As soon as you got it you ran out the common room to go to the library where you knew he always was but found him already waiting outside. You kissed him and repeatedly said "yes".

Dean had asked Jordan Lee to ask you over the megaphones after a quidditch match between your house and his. You loved it because you thought it creative.

After a heated snog session, he stopped you right in the middle and asked.

"Wait, I can't take this any longer.
Be mine please, officially?"

You and Sirius walked hand in hand down Hogsmeade one spring day, and came across a little tea shop. You stopped because you saw a little elderly couple looking so much in love and you loved seeing that. Sirius watched as you watched them. Then he kissed the top of your head.

"Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend, Y/N? I'd hate to look at you and not have you mine officially."

You two were reading together, when suddenly Remus takes your book out of your hands and kisses you quick on the lips.

"What was that for?"

"I wanted to ask you if you'll be mine?"

"Oh Remus, of course... now, my book please?"

He just out right asked you as you two were walking to class together. He was terribly nervous even though there was no way in hell you could say no.

"B-B mine?"

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