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As I walked down the backstreet behind the massive shopping centre, kicking empty beer cans around I suddenly had an idea. I saw the shop lights on and the sign outside, which means only one thing!

It's time for work!

I ran into the shop and noticed that Jezz didn't have a customer and was sat at the front desk with a Kerrang! magazine in his hands. I walked over and plopped myself on the counter and dinged the bell constantly until he took his Beats by Dre's off. He sighed in annoyance and put his magazine down. Once he saw it was me he broke out into a grin.

"How're you doin' kid?" He asked, and pulled out a sketch book. My sketch book. This is what I do for money, I draw sketches for tattoo artists when their busy or when I'm bored. And not to brag and all, but, I'm pretty damn good at drawing! Seeing as most rockstars who have got tattoo's in the last five years, has had their tattoo's drawn out by me. I grimaced at the question and shrugged my shoulders.

"As great as thre next rock loving person with catholic parents who are on the verge of devorce. But hey, I can't complain, at least they don't notice me coming home late or getting up early anymore!" Was my answer to his question. He sighed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, at least you can get away from you nutthead parents!" Rezz, Jezz's twin, exclaimed. I laughed along with him, Jezz and few of the guys. My idea was clawing at me from inside and I turned to ask Jezz and Rezz if it would be a problem or not.

"Hey, Jezz, Rezz, can I get a tattoo?!" They looked at each other and said,

"NO! Cause if you parents found out, we'd get shut down!!" I looked at them as if they just fell from the sky. I rolled my eyes at the twins and sighed.

"They won't notice, it's like I don't even exists any anymore!" I pleaded. They shared a look and knew I had to try harder. "If they do somehow find out, I'll say I did it myself!!" I tried again and grinned when they sighed and gave up.

"So...what do you want doin'?" Jezz asked. He and Rezz sat down with me while the guys went back to their customers.


I finish drawing my sketch on the special tracing paper and give it to Jezz. As I sit down at the inking station I see Jezz and Rezz nodding while looking at the design. Jezz comes over and spreds the gel on my arm and wipes most of it off then carefully places the design on top of the left over gel.

After 5 mins Jezz takes the paper off of my arm and in its place is an template of the design. Jezz turnd the tattoo gun on and dips it into the ink. He then starts to ink my arm.


Jezz gives the tattoo some finishing touches and turns off the tattoo gun and wipes off any excess ink. Rezz comes over and covers my arm in plastic, and I can feel someone staring right at me. I turn my head to see my twin brother. Lucian, which means Light, was staring at my arm in awe.

"Light, what are you doing here?!" I asked. We always called each other by the meaning of our names, as we both hate our real names with a passion.

"Dark! You do realise mum and dad are going to flip?!" He shouts. Your probably wondering what my name is? Well it's Darcel, and no one but my mother calls me Darcel. I think people have lernt not to call me Darcel when I broke this lads nose in year three. I was six, and I broke another six year olds nose, that's how much I hate my name!

"Well, that would only happen if Lucian MaChoughlah grasses me in!" I shouted back. His shoulders sagged and he mumbled something really quietly.

"What type of design?" I sighed. His head snapped up.

"You'll let me get a tattoo?! It won't be like, invading your style or anything?!" He asked. He was getting reeeeaallly excited.

"Eh? If it gets you off my back and stops you from telling the 'rents, then, HELL YEAH!!" I shouted the last part for effect. Light ran over to my sketch book and flicked though my designs and stopped on a most recent one.

"This one." He said, pointing to the design of the tattoo I just got. We smiled at each other, realising we had more things in common then we thought.

"Alright." I said and Light when through the same process I did. After Rezz put the plastic covering over it, I grabbed two of my spare jackets that I leave here and hand one to Light. He looked at me confused and took it for me.

"It's to hide the plastic." I took him. He made an "o" with his mouth and nodded then slipped the jacket on.

We walked home and snook into our beds unnoticed, as usual since the devorce talk.


Okay, so this is the start of the story and Avenged Sevenfold will apear soon.

Love you my little froggies!!

Love ForeverMore Markiee xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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The Tattoo That Brought Me To Meet Them...(A7X FanFiction)(R.I.P Rev)Where stories live. Discover now