Chapter 5 It Can't Be

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I woke up this morning to the blank computer screen of my computer on the table and nearly sunk back into my melancholy state. Then our conversation from last night came back in a flash. My love is coming hom! I don't think I ever want to be alone here gain so I'm going to have to get over this ridiculous fear of flying. It can't be that bad, like Tom says, it's safer then driving. I'm still in bed now, lying against all the pillows, the most embarrassingly large smile on my face. If the bliss inside me gets any bigger I believe I'm going to explode. Today I think I'm going to go out and get something special for dinner. Surprise my love with a special home cooked meal. He's somewhere over the ocean now. I wonder if he's thinking about me as well. Where in the world would I be now if I didn't have Tom in my life? I often sit and ponder that. I can't even stop and think about what life would be like without him. Empty I assume. I have got to snap out of this funk. Tom is almost home and I'm still in bed. Time to go out and get ready for my day. This day can't get any better.

Putting the pen down I jumped out of bed, a grin stretched from ear to ear. Opening the curtain I let the sunshine stream in, as if the sky knew that today was going to be a good day. Turning on the iPod I let it pick a random song, hitting shuffle. As the music came pouring from the speakers I moved around the room, dancing like a maniac. I danced my way into the bathroom to have a shower and get ready to go out.

After the shower and doing everything I needed to do to be presentable I headed into the kitchen, blue jeans and an off the shoulder red top. Throwing my dark hair over my shoulder I opened the fridge, frowing at the apparent lack of groceries in there. Sighing I shut the door and decided I would have breakfast at a shop while I was out. Taking my keys and wallet I walked out, locking the door behind me while I made a list in my head of everything I needed. Jumping in the car I revved the engine a tad longer then necessary but the giddiness was making me nervous. Opting for music instead of the normal news I would listen to I cracked it as I pulled away from the curb. I tapped my hands on the wheel to the beat as I drove to a diner I had been to before, only a ten minute drive. Parking I got out quickly, feeling the rumbling in my stomach. Shoving my keys in my pocket I was ecstatic to see it wasn't busy and I walked up to the counter, sliding onto a chair. The waitress came up, a friendly smile on her face.

"Hello dear. Anything for you?" she asked, pulling out a wad of paper from her apron.

"House breakfast and a cup of Earl Grey please." I asked, smiling up at her.

"Not a problem dear."

Scribbling on the paper she walked away, heading to the back and shouting out my orders. I pulled out my phone, checking for a text or anything from Tom. Nothing yet but he was probably sleeping or forgetful. I frowned, thinking that maybe he would have texted me when he landed in New York. Brushing it off I stuck my phone back in my pocket as the woman brought my tea to me. Thanking her I fixed it how I normally did, sighing with pleasure. Looking around I noticed a TV hanging from the ceiling a few feet away from me.

"Excuse me." I called out, catching the waitresses attention, "Can you turn the TV on?"

"I'm sorry dear. Been on the fritz for a while now. Never can get anyone down here to fix the bloody thing." She apologized, stacking cups on the rack.

"No problem." I waved it off, disappointed, hoping I could catch a glimpse of Tom.

After sitting for awhile looking around I began to feel bored. Pulling my phone out I was about to check Twitter to see what was new when my food was delivered. Thanking her I shoved my phone back into my pocket and dug into my morning meal.

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