Thirty minutes later, Diane is dressed in a comfortable pair of sweats and a loose-fitting sweatshirt. "Sit tight, and I'll get Mom for you. And, by the way, you look beautiful, with or without makeup."


The house smells fantastic with the scent of turkey cooking in the oven. I feel sorry that Diane will not be able to share dinner with us, but it's not about the food, it's about the people who share this day with you. I sneak up on my mom and plant a kiss on her neck. She screeches and almost hits me with a spatula.

"What the hell are you doing sneaking up on an old woman? Do you want to give me a freaking heart attack?"

"No Mom, sorry if I scared you. Do you have a few minutes to help Diane? She wants to put on some makeup for Joey. She wants to look good for him."

My mom's eyes fill with tears. God, I wish everyone would stop crying. My heart can't take it much longer. "Please Mom, no more tears. We must put this behind us. I know it will be difficult, but I want us to have a positive vibe around Diane. She's already apprehensive. Can you do that for me, and for Diane?"

"Of course I can. I'm just so happy to have Diane home again. I can't promise I won't cry today, but I'll put a cork in it if it makes Diane feel less nervous."

"She needs some time to relax and absorb everything. We are in for a few tough months, as she comes to grips with what happened to her. I want you and Dad to keep an eye out, and if you see something's not right, I need to know about it as soon as possible."

"I will watch over her son, and I know Dad will keep an eye on her. We've missed her terribly, and I expect we'll be all over her for a few weeks. Dad is very perceptive to this type of issue. I know he'll be looking for any signs of PTSD. We both will, I promise."

"Thanks, Mom. I don't know what I would have done the past few months without the two of you helping me. I'll never be able to tell you how much I love both of you."

My mother throws herself into my chest and holds me tight. I wrap my arms around her and breathe in the familiar scent of her perfume. When I hear a throat clearing, I look over to see my dad standing by the kitchen door. He walks over to us and wraps my mother and me in a bear hug. We stay like this for a few minutes until I hear Kellie come into the room.

"Why is everyone hugging? Can I get a hug too?"

I release my mom and bend down to pick up my daughter. When Kellie's arms go around my neck, I hold my daughter like my life depended on it. I think she senses something in me. I see my mom leave the room, and at that moment, I feel a sense of total peace.


I receive a frantic call from my son at approximately eleven eighteen in the morning. Joey waited exactly three minutes to place the call.

"Dad, why is Uncle Jerry picking me up at the train station? Why aren't you here? Is something wrong with Mom?"

"Ok, son, back up a minute. First, Uncle Jerry volunteered, and I accepted his offer. Second, there is nothing wrong with Mom. I wanted to sleep a little late this morning and took him up on his offer. You can cool your jets and get your ass home son."

"God, I was so nervous Dad. Are you sure everything is ok?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Granny cleaned your room the other day, and we are ready and waiting for you to come home. She also made your favorite dessert, mince pie."

"Yeah, I was hoping she would make that for me. We'll be home in a little over an hour. There is a lot of traffic from the train station."

"Tell your Uncle to drive safe. He is carrying precious cargo."

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